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The bar chart elucidates the different houses’ cost in Britain of each five years, and the pie charts illustrate the proportion of people who possess or rent accommodations or use those as homes from 1980 to 2005.

In 15 years since 1980, it witnessed a relative stability in the price of houses, which had a gradual  augmentation from about 20.000$ to approximately 60.000$. In this period, the percentage of each people group was also kept constant that those having second home and occupants respectively made up for about 8% and 35% when ones renting places to live outweigh the others.

However, in the next ten years, the price underwent a dramatic increase to particularly around 100.000$ in 2000 and eventually accelerated four fold in 2005. Furthermore, the tendency of utilizing houses changed considerably that most people, 53% of the total, personally possessed a house and ones paying money to have a short-term place just contributed an extremely small amount, about 3%.


Mong nhận được góp ý của mọi người để mình cải thiện writing nhiều hơn do mình mới tập viết lại .
Cảm ơn mọi người nhiều :))))

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Sau đây là góp ý của mình cho bài viết của bạn nhé :) 

The bar chart elucidates the changes in average housing price different houses’ cost in Britain over a period of 25 each five years, and the pie charts illustrate the proportion of people who possessed, or rented accommodations or used those as second homes from 1980 to 2005. (... the proportion of house owners, renters or second-home owners from 1980 to 2005)

In 15 years since 1980, it the UK witnessed a relative stability in the price of houses, which had a gradual augmentation from about 20.000$ to approximately 60.000$. In this period, the percentage of each housing occupancy category people group was also kept constant such that those having second homes and owning a house occupants respectively made up for about 8% and 35% when while ones those renting places to live outweighed the others with n% of the total.

However, in the next ten years from xxxx, the price underwent a dramatic increase to particularly around 100.000$ in 2000 and eventually accelerated and reached four fold that amount in 2005 (add data). Furthermore, the tendency of utilizing houses changed considerably that most people, 53% of the total, personally possessed a house and ones who spent paying money to have a short-term place only just contributed an extremely small amount, about 3%.

24 points
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The bar chart elucidates the different houses’ cost in Britain of each in five years, and the pie charts illustrate the proportion of people who possess or rent accommodations or use those as homes from 1980 to 2005.

In 15 years since 1980From ---- to / between --- and ---, it it là gì: câu topic phải rõ ràng witnessed a relative stability in the price of houses, which had a gradual  augmentation from about 20.000$ to approximately 60.000$. In this period, the percentage of each people group was also kept constant that those having second home and occupants respectively made up for about 8% and 35% when ones renting places to live outweigh the others.

135 points

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