Many people believe that international exchange trips are beneficial for students. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
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Never before have international exchange trips between partnering countries been the priority choice as prevalent as today’s society. It is widely believed that those opportunities are accompanied with advantages for adolescent life. From my personal view, this statement could involve both negative and positive effects. 

 On the one hand, international student exchange can help students broaden their horizons. Firstly, studying in a multicultural community is an opportunity for students to gain cross-cultural understanding. The relationship between individualistic and collectivist, for instance, in the West, they encourage independent learning and problem solving, however, students and even parents in the East always take score seriously. Secondly, the conspicuous differences are teaching methods that develop student’s independent study habits and improve vital soft skills. Global student exchange would get more practice, less theory, and gain hands-on experience from the internship in a company, doing research. 

 Despite the positives mentioned above, I also admit the drawbacks that exchange students would confront. academic performance of students can be affected due to poor adaptability. For example, without caring and following of their parents, teenagers need to take time to adapt themselves to the new culture, weather, and diet. Moreover, students who are involved in exchange programs must spend a huge amount of money on personal demand such as insurance, accommodation, and transportation. This would be a financial burden for families that are not wealthy. 

 In conclusion, global student exchange provides a window of study opportunities for teenagers although it still has drawbacks. Therefore, I suggest that exchange students have to search in detail all information before deciding to reduce the negatives.  

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