Some people believe that nowadays we have too many choices. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
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In recent years, it is said that people have more choices than they used to have. I totally agree with this statement due to several reasons, and I will explain them in this essay.

There are a whole host of reasons why people today have more choices than before. Firstly, since the proliferation of robots has rippled across almost industries, the work productivity is boosted. It is evident that these automatic devices can work for a long time without taking time off or being tired as humans, consequently, more products are made and more choices are offered to humans. Moreover, thanks to the acceleration of the economy in recent years, the people's standard of living are enhancing. As a result, people can afford more items. For example, a privileged man can consider between a car and a bike, but with a poor man, he can only buy a bike, instead. 

Additionally, because of the development of online shopping, people today can have access to thousands of shopping websites. These shops usually offer a variety of products, both common items and limited editions. For example, in some shopping webs on the internet today, people can buy the brand shoes of Nike, which are rarely in local stores. In other words, the development of online shopping helps people have more choices than when they go to the physical stores like before.

In conclusion, people today really have more choices than they used to have thanks to the development of the economy, the proliferation of technology and the popularity of online shopping networks.

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In recent years, it is said that people have more choices than they used to have. I totally agree with this statement due to several reasons, and I will explain them in this essay.

There are a whole host of reasons why people today have more choices than before. Firstly, since the proliferation of robots has rippled across almost industries, the work (work) productivity is boosted. It is evident that these automatic devices can work for a long time without taking time off or being tired as humans, consequently, more products are made and more choices are offered to humans. Moreover, thanks to the acceleration of the economy in recent years, the people's standard of living are (is) enhancing. As a result, people can afford more items. For example, a privileged man can consider between a car and a bike, but with a poor man, he can only buy a bike, instead. 

Additionally, because of the development of online shopping, people today can have access to thousands of shopping websites. These shops usually offer a variety of products, both common items and limited editions. For example, in some shopping webs on the internet today, people can buy the brand shoes of Nike, which are rarely in local stores. In other words, the development of online shopping helps people have more choices than when they go to the physical ( physical)stores like before.

In conclusion, people today really ( theo mình từ này rất informal trong văn viết, bạn nên hạn chế dùng) have more choices than they used to have thanks to the development of the economy, the proliferation of technology and the popularity of online shopping networks.

Theo mình nên thay cụm từ have more choices bằng các cụm từ khác để làm cho bài viết của bạn trông đa dạng vốn từ hơn như: a world of options, an overwhelming number of choices, a huge number of options, tức là bạn phải làm rõ ý là choices ngày nay bị quá tải í. Hihi :p

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