Countries should try to produce all the food for the population and imports as little food as possible. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
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It is argued that countries should grow crops for their own residents and confine imported food as much as possible. From my perspective, I completely agree with this idea.


There are different advantages of national food self-sufficiency. Firstly, native cuisines can guarantee food security, which is a prior option when people purchase food. This is due to the fact that the government can oversee food manufacturing procedures. Therefore, ingredients will be ensured to be clean and fresh, also not contain any toxic preservatives, which are the culprit of serious health problems. Secondly, since commodities are produced by national manufacturers and be moved straight to consumers, residents can enjoy local staples with lower prices. Unlike imported merchandise, people need to pay extra costs for long-distance transportation, which is a contributor to the proliferation of original food prices.


Besides, countries should also constrain imported groceries by some specific reasons. The first reason is that they can alleviate food miles, which may breed the deterioration of global warming. As a result of less food being transported, they can descend the carbon footprint and mitigate climate change. In addition, these countries may not be dependent on foreign counterparts in terms of food supply. There will be some severe circumstances that exchange countries are unable to export their foodstuff, which affects the indispensable demands of local inhabitants. To illustrate, in the recent pandemic COVID 19, when all transactions were prohibited, Australian could not be catered for tropical fruit from Vietnam, hence, it may disturb their eating habit.


To conclude, I firmly believe that countries should produce staples for their own population and be self-reliant form other countries in terms of imported food. 

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Bạn nên sử dụng cấu trúc đảo ngữ để nhấn mạnh opinion của bạn

Ở body 1 bạn không nên khẳng định chắc chắn là những ingredients sẽ đram bảo sạch hơn và tươi hơn vì điều này là chủ quan và không chứa chất bảo quản, nên dùng cách viết khác như: Therefore, ingredients maybe cleaner and fresher, also contain less toxic preservatives, which are the culprit of serious health problems. Bởi vì nhều quốc gia rộng lớn như Nga, Mỹ hay Trung Quốc khí hậu các thành phố có thể không giống nhau nên nếu ko có phương pháo bảo quản lương thực hợp lý thì sẽ khó tránh khỏi hư hỏng mà đã là bảo quản mà ko chứa chất bảo quản thì ko hợp lý lắm

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                   He is not only handsome but also smart hoặc He not only is handsome but also is smart

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                    Not only is he handsome but also smart

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