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What is your opinon about the advantages and disadvantages of playing video game.

         It is undeniable that video game has certainly created a significant impact on our life for both children and adult. Besides the advantages of playing video game, it still has many adverse effects on players.

         On the one hand, video game benefits people in many ways. Firstly, playing computer game is a efficient method to ease pressure, stress and depression which are put on our life. It seems to be these outlet and makes people more comfortable and relax after a busy day. The main reason why video games are popular throughout the world is because it allows people who want to take a break from real life and hop into a virtual world of fantasy. Secondly, video game is believed to be beneficial for our brain. It enhances proble-solving skills and improve our co-ordinary while playing. For example, hand and eye are twinned in controlling the action in the games. Last but not least, video game strengthens not only our real relationship but also do it in online friendship.In game, users need to communicate with other teammates and support each other to be able to win. In family, parents can easily connect and socialize with their kids through playing games together therefore many domestic problems will be dealed with.

            On the other hands, video game is detrimental to players. It is obvious that playing computer game is an unhealthy habbit if people play frequently. They will become lazier, neglect excercises and would prefer sitting all day. Hence, physical health is bound to be badly affected such as poor eyesight, headaches, muscle strain,...Furthermore, many people incline to violence. Inappropriated content and language result in the potential of criminal behaviour which is higher than casual people because the title's game has many scenes of violence, murder and terrorist. Atractive as it might be, gamers are very susceptible to addiction and they also have obsession about the games. The more they fall upon the games, the more it damages their living.

           In conclusion, video game has both positive side and negative side. Personally, I assume that video game is benefit or harmful depends on the way people use it and their purposse in playing video games.

Mong mọi ngừoi góp ý ạ. Em cảm ơn (P/s : đây là bài viết thi vào 10 thôi ạ, không phải để thi chứng chỉ )

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1 Answer

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Hi bạn, mình nữa nè:

1. Besides-> Regardless of( đa phần mình thấy besides là để thêm ý) còn nếu là beside thì nói về location

2 many-> various cho hay hơn

3 seems là nói về tình trạng của ai đó: he seems tired. CÒN NẾU BẠN MÚN DÙNG TRONG THIS CONTEXT THÌ LÀ SEEMS THAT 


both positive side and negative side-> postives and negatives

6 i assume that whether ...

purposse : purpose

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