Schools are no longer necessary because children can get so much information available through the Internet, and they can study just as well as home. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
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Schools are no longer necessary because children can get so much information available through the Internet, and they can study just as well as home. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

The Internet, one of the greatest creations, provides people with instant access to an endless supply of knowledge and entertainment. Therefore some people undervalue the role of schools. In my view, it is indisputable that the Internet facilitates students in terms of information sources; however schools are till indispensable when it comes to direct teacher’s guidance and emotional support.

These days, thanks to the immense contribution of the internet technology, students are enabled to enrich their knowledge via online learning platforms, newspaper and video websites. For instance, by using a search engine like Google, students are able to ask virtually any questions and hunt for a web page with relevant information. Besides, there are also millions of video on sites like YouTube explaining various topics, and even online courses, which are appropriate for people of different ages. As a result, students can learn a great deal of knowledge of culture, science, and many other areas which they are taught at school at their own pace. Hence, students are no longer under pressure due to their heavy workload at schools.

However, whether all information in the Internet is reliable and websites could act as a teacher or classmate who understands another person thoroughly?  It is also noteworthy that there are loads of distractions in the Internet, which may result in students’ concentration on study. On the contrary, the traditional learning model provides students with face-to-face interaction, in which not only teachers’ guidance but also peer support are offered. These factors are extremely significant to a child’s intellectual development. On top of that, extracurricular programs which are organized in school environment support students to not only acquire practical experience but also maintain physically healthy and avoid medical problems like neurodevelopmental disorder known as autism.

In conclusion, despite the advantages of the acquisition of knowledge through the Internet, I believe that school environment is still irreplaceable, which helps students develop comprehensively in terms of academic outcomes, communication skills and physical as well as mental health thanks to the interactions with their teachers and classmates.


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The Internet, one of the greatest creations, provides people with instant access to an endless supply of knowledge and entertainment. Therefore, some people undervalue the role of schools. In my view, it is indisputable that the Internet facilitates students in terms of information sources; however schools are till indispensable when it comes to direct teacher’s guidance and emotional support.

These days, thanks to the immense contribution of the internet technology, students are enabled to enrich their knowledge via online learning platforms, newspaper and video websites. For instance, by using a search engine like Google, students are able to ask virtually any questions and hunt for a web page with relevant information. Besides, there are also millions of videos on sites like YouTube explaining various topics, and even online courses, which are appropriate for people of different ages. As a result, students can learn a great deal of knowledge of culture, science, and many other areas which they are taught at school at their own pace. Hence, students are no longer under pressure due to their heavy workload at schools.

However, whether all information in the Internet is reliable and websites could act as a teacher or classmate who understands another person thoroughly?  It is also noteworthy that there are loads of distractions in the Internet, which may result in students’ concentration on study. On the contrary, the traditional learning model provides students with face-to-face interaction, in which not only teachers’ guidance but also peer support are offered. These factors are extremely significant to a child’s intellectual development. On top of that, extracurricular programs which are organized in school environment support students to not only acquire practical experience, but also maintain physically healthy and avoid medical problems like neurodevelopmental disorder known as autism.

In conclusion, despite the advantages of the acquisition of knowledge through the Internet, I believe that school environment is still irreplaceable, which helps students develop comprehensively in terms of academic outcomes, communication skills and physical as well as mental health thanks to the interactions with their teachers and classmates.


47 points
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The Internet, one of the greatest creations, provides people with instant access to an endless supply of knowledge and entertainment. Therefore, some people undervalue the role of schools. In my view, it is indisputable that the Internet facilitates students in terms of information sources; however, schools are till indispensable when it comes to direct teacher’s guidance and emotional support.

These days, thanks to the immense contribution of the internet technology, students are enabled to enrich their knowledge via online learning platforms, newspaper and video websites. For instance, by using a search engine like (such as nghe sẽ formal hơn) Google, students are able to ask virtually any (any dùng cho câu phủ định, nghi vấn - some) questions and hunt for a web page with relevant information. Besides, there are also millions of video videos on sites like such as YouTube explaining various topics, and even online courses, which are appropriate for people of different ages. As a result, students can learn acquire/ gain a great deal of knowledge of culture, science, and many other areas which they are taught at school at their own pace. Hence, students are no longer under pressure due to their heavy workload at schools.

However, whether all information in on the Internet is reliable and websites could act as a teacher or classmate who understands another person thoroughly?  It is also noteworthy that there are loads of distractions in on the Internet, which may result in students’ concentration on study. On the contrary, the traditional learning model provides students with face-to-face interaction, in which not only teachers’ guidance but also peer support are offered. These factors are extremely significant to a child’s intellectual development. On top of that, extracurricular programs which are organized in school environment support students to not only acquire practical experience but also maintain physically healthy and avoid medical problems like such as neurodevelopmental disorder known as autism.

In conclusion, despite the advantages of the acquisition of knowledge through the Internet, I believe that school environment is still irreplaceable, which helps students develop comprehensively in terms of academic outcomes, communication skills and physical as well as mental health thanks to the interactions with their teachers and classmates.


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