"Money cannot buy happiness" , with money you can buy most of things that are necessary for happiness. So most people want to make as much money as possible. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
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In this day and age, lots of time and effort has been made to achieve happiness by making money. But, some believe money is not a feasible way to find joy and laughters in daily life and i agree with this point of view.

Admittedly, in this rapidly developing society, money is indeed an indispensable role in our way of living. Money renders us plentiful food supply, means of entertainment, vehicles to travel from place to place,health care..., a home for families, which plays a part in providing us with happiness. With money, it can satisfy our needs and maby happiness.

However, in conjunction with the wealthy's satisfactory, they will also face many problems such as becoming a target for criminals to commit crimes like robbery or even killing. Another disavantage is that having a lot of money means you have to know how to deal with and ensure it, which comes along with great responsibility and careful consideration.Last but not least, despite merits of money in finding happiness, some have forgotten the major key to live a happy life is love from familiy, friends and others. Not only can money not be able to bring you true love but it also separate you from it. Burying your head too much in making money will isolate you from family without noticing it.

In conclusion, money only plays a small part in providing necessary facilities but it is not a way to find happiness. You must sometime be pleased with  what you have, enjoy and treasure it because it is a good way to live happily, not just by making money.
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Chúng mình thật sự rất cám ơn những góp ý của bạn cho các bài viết trên website trong thời gian vừa qua, vì thế chúng mình xin gửi đến bài bài chữa cho bài viết này như đã hứa. Hi vọng sẽ giúp dược bạn phần nào. ^^

Bạn tải bài chữa về máy tại link sau: https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ielts.forums/1512067038-Money-cannot-buy-happiness.docx

Chúc bạn học tốt!
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