Some people think that zoos are cruel and all the zoos should be closed. However, others think that zoos are useful to protect rare animals. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
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in recent years, the mistreatment of animals in zoos has been increasing, causing some public controversy that whether or not zoos should be banned. Although it would be argued by some that zoos are beneficial to conserve endangered species, plenty of evidence suggests the opposite is true.

On the one hand, there are a number of reasons why some think that zoos are good for animals. First, by bringing visitors and animals together, zoos educate the public and foster an appreciation of the other species. This means that the public’s love for animals continues to grow, the number of people involved in animal welfare will continue to increase. Second, through breeding species at risk of extinction in the wild, zoos save and enhance the population of endangered animals. For example, since China's Zoos have breeding programs for China giant pandas by artificial insemination, they are no longer endangered.

On the other hand, I would argue that It would be better for animals when shutting down the zoos. First, it is clear that numerous zoos in the world have been abusing animals by not feeding them and making them do countless tricks. Banning zoological gardens may help them prevent from hurt. Second, since zoos have linked to numerous incidents of diseases including E.coli and ringworm, animals are more susceptible to diseases. This means that they easily can be died and thrown away because zookeepers usually do not care about them when they are sick.

In conclusion, some people think zoos bring more benefits for animals, I personally believe that zoos are harmful to animals and they should be banned.

Em có tham khảo sách của anh kiên trần nên viết theo dạng writing của anh ấy ạ  mong mọi người góp ý giúp em ạ. ( mình có đăng bài này trên tienganh123 và englishforum để sữa nữa, mong mọi người góp ý nhiều nhiều để mình nâng band)
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2. You wrote: ...g, causing some public controversy that whether or not zoos should be banned. Although it woul...

Feedback: Consider shortening this phrase to just "whether". It is correct though if you mean 'regardless of whether'.

Error type: Redundant Phrases

Suggestion: whether

3. You wrote: ...ed. Although it would be argued by some that zoos are beneficial to conserve endange...

Feedback: **Use "that" with singular nouns and "those" with plural nouns. Did you mean "those"?

Error type: Number agreement error

Suggestion: those

4. You wrote: ...s are beneficial to conserve endangered species, plenty of evidence suggests the opposi...

Feedback: You are either missing an article or an -s. Did you mean "to conserve an endangered species" or ""?

Error type: Article error

Suggestion: to conserve an endangered species,

5. You wrote: ... may help them prevent from hurt. Second, since zoos have linked to numerous incidents ...

Feedback: Do not use a comma to separate a dependent "since" clause from the main clause of your sentence. In other words, remove the comma after "Second." "...Second since zoos...".

Error type: Punctuation error

Suggestion: ...Second since zoos...

6. You wrote: ...erous incidents of diseases including E.coli and ringworm, animals are more suscepti...

Feedback: Possible spelling mistake found

Error type: Possible Typo

Suggestion: cold

7. You wrote: ...onally believe that zoos are harmful to animals and they should be banned.

Feedback: Use a comma before "and" if it connects two independent clauses (unless they are closely connected and short).

Error type: Punctuation error

Suggestion: animals, and
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