People have little understanding of the importance of the natural world. What are the reasons and how can people learn more about the natural world?
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People have little understanding of the importance of the natural world. What are the reasons and how can people learn more about the natural world?

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These days, people fail to comprehend thoroughly how crucial nature is to the long-term existence of the human race. The forthcoming paragraphs will elaborate on reasons for the issue and propose feasible solutions for helping the community to have a better understanding of the natural world.

First of all, people’s ignorance of the significance of nature is attributable to the fact that there is a severe lack of plants surrounding their lives. Today, along pavements are merely offices, skyscrapers, industrial zones, and residential areas, etc. People have been chopping down most plants and forests to facilitate their economic affairs. Furthermore, many children tend to pay less attention to the outside world but their guilty pleasures such as keeping up with celebrities or binging on technological devices. Most importantly, in education, the curricula are not designed to particularly equip learners with essential knowledge associated with the value of our natural world. To exemplify, biology, which is supposed to be the most relevant to nature, remains to be a compulsory subject in most schools; nonetheless, what it provides is inapplicable theories, unquestionably. People, therefore, become more and more ignorant about the natural world.

In terms of solutions, governments ought to encourage residents to grow more plants so that they can have more access to the natural world. Eventually, that people will identify the importance of it is simply an absolute certainty. Additionally, local organisations should initiate various outdoor activities related to planting more trees to protect the environment and teenagers be stimulated to engage in. Moreover, there should be established several communal spaces where people can gather together and learn more about gardening as well as how to live greener. Above all, education programmes must be fastidiously tailored to suit the need of the community. More specifically, the Minister of Education had best reconsider drawbacks of the curricula and modify inadequacies, into which nature-related knowledge will be incorporated.

To recapitulate, that people are not highly aware of the importance of the natural world can be traced back to the lack of ‘green’ lives and an appropriate curriculum. Nevertheless, the matter can be effectively coped with by growing more plants and revise how the concerned subject is conveyed to learners.

Big thanks for your assistance! <3 

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These days, people fail to comprehend thoroughly how crucial nature is to the long-term existence of the human race. The forthcoming paragraphs will elaborate on reasons for the issue and propose feasible solutions for helping the community to have a better understanding of the natural world.

First of all, people’s ignorance of the significance of nature is attributable to the fact that there is a severe lack of plants surrounding their lives. Today, along pavements are merely offices, skyscrapers, industrial zones, and residential areas, etc. People have been chopping down most plants and forests to facilitate their economic affairs. Furthermore, many children tend to pay less attention to the outside world but their guilty pleasures such as keeping up with celebrities or binging on technological devices. Most importantly, in education, the curricula are not designed to particularly equip learners with essential knowledge associated with the value of our natural world. To exemplify, biology, which is supposed to be the most relevant to nature, remains to be a compulsory subject in most schools; nonetheless, what it provides is inapplicable theories, unquestionably. People, therefore, become more and more ignorant about the natural world.

In terms of solutions, governments ought to encourage residents to grow more plants so that they can have more access to the natural world. Eventually, that these people will identify the importance of it is simply an absolute certainty. Additionally, local organisations should initiate various outdoor activities related to planting more trees to protect the environment and stimulate teenagers be stimulated to engage in. Moreover, there should be established several communal spaces where people can gather together and learn more about gardening as well as how to live greener. Above all, education programmes must be fastidiously tailored to suit the need of the community. More specifically, the Minister of Education had best reconsider drawbacks of the curricula and modify inadequacies, into which nature-related knowledge will be incorporated.

To recapitulate, that if people are not highly aware of the importance of the natural world, they can be traced back to the lack of ‘green’ lives and an appropriate curriculum. Nevertheless, the matter can be effectively coped with by growing more plants and revise revising how the concerned subject is conveyed to learners.

159 points

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