People who live in large cities face a range of problems in their daily life What are the main problems people in cities face, and how can these problems be tackled?
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Citizens who live in big cities are facing a lot of troubles every day. This problem is caused by living in big cities, and it should be dealt with by some effective solutions.

There are some problems when they live in a large city. Firstly, due to the atmosphere of big cities is so polluted that affects directly people’s health. The number of emissions releases from vehicles such as cars, light motorcycles may be inhaled by drivers who might face the danger of respiratory diseases when they are in traffic. Secondly, the high cost of living is a serious problem in big cities, especially capitals. Monthly rent prices in metropolises are much higher than in other cities. For example, my brother staying in the inner-city of HaNoi has to pay a huge amount of money to rent an apartment that is more expensive than their counterparts in the HaNoi’suburb.

Feasible solutions should be implemented to tackle these aforementioned problems. The first measure would be to develop new public transports that can minimize air pollution. If citizens get used to public service vehicles, it will reduce exhaust fumes from the private automobiles.  Additionally, there are a lot houses which can help renters split the costs of accommodations. Homestays is a great example where everyone shares electric bills, and rent and the kind of accommdation is becoming popular in HaNoi.

In conclusion, there are some reasons why living in big cities gets many issues, and some measures could be taken to solve this problem.
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