The table shows the expenditure on various types of food in one European country in 1992, 2002, 2012
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The amount spent on various foodstuffs in Italy (millions of euros)
1992 2002 2012
Beef 45 43 54
Chicken 38 41 56
Butter/margarine 8 9 8
Potatoes 11 14 18
Coffee 9 7 7
Milk 13 10 14
The tableb shows the amount of money spent on various foodstuff in India in 3 years, in millions of eurous term
Overall, Except coffee, the amount of money of all food types witnessed a upward trend. We can see clearly in that of beef and chicken.
Customer spent the main amount of money for chicken and beef, particulary, at 38 and 45 inturn in 1992. Notwithstanding, in 2012, the former is spent more than the latter, 56 compare 54. The figure of Potatoes continuadly rose to 18 in 2012. By contrast, in 2002, thaf of coffee less than the last year, particulary from 9 to 7. It remain staticed in 2012. People spent an equal amount of money of butter in 1992 and 2012, at 8 each, while the figures of milk changed significantly. It suddenly declined threefold, to 10 in 2002. Then, it recover to 4 in 2012
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The tableb shows the amount of money spent on various foodstuff in India in 3 years, in millions of eurous term
Overall, Except coffee, the amount of money of all food types witnessed a upward trend. We can see clearly in that of beef and chicken.
Customer spent the main amount of money for chicken and beef, particulary, at 38 and 45 inturn in 1992. Notwithstanding, in 2012, the former is spent more than the latter, 56 compare 54. The figure of Potatoes continuadly rose to 18 in 2012. By contrast, in 2002, thaf of coffee less than the last year, particulary from 9 to 7. It remain staticed in 2012. People spent an equal amount of money of butter in 1992 and 2012, at 8 each, while the figures of milk changed significantly. It suddenly declined threefold, to 10 in 2002. Then, it recover to 4 in 2012


Mấy cái từ in đậm thì nó sai chính tả đấy

table, euros, particularly, that, conntinually, static

Mấy cái từ in xanh tớ nghĩ là cậu dùng sai hoặc không hay lắm

an upward trend

main amount of money ( cái này không sai ) mà dùng là a large a mount of money ( nghe hay hơn)

is spent ( đang ở quá khứ rồi, chia sai thì)

threefold là dùng để chỉ kiểu tăng lên gấp ba lần ý, nếu muốn dùng là nó giảm một phần ba thì lên dùng là one-third

recover to 4: tớ nghĩ phải dùng là recover to 14

nếu muốn dùng là tăng lên hay giảm đi một số lượng bao nhiêu thì nên dùng là increased/ decreased by +%

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