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 In most cities and towns, the high volumes of road traffic have become a problem. What are the causes and what actions could be taken to solve the problem?

It is no doubt that the amount of road traffic has become a huge concern, both in cities and in motorways everywhere. This essay will outline many reasons for this situation and possible solutions to help tackle it.

When it comes to the reason causing traffic jams, there are several related factors can be anticipated. The main issue is the increase of transport such as car, truck, motorbike. With the development of automobile industries, cars have become affordable to ordinary people whose income has grown in recent years. As a result, the more wealthy people become, the more cars are used. However, the road’s quality gradually falls with a ton of potholes for example. Another further pressure will include the awareness of citizens there. Studies showed that the majority of road accidents are due to violation of rules. Some people intentionally ignore the traffic rule and others seem to have no basic knowledge about it. It is no uncommon to see someone crosses a red light, thus, roads are more likely to be disrupted in rush hours.

Some possible actions are believed to solve these problems. Firstly, concerning each individual, we should at first raise our awareness of traffic rules and avoid making accidents as less as possible. Secondly, using public transport such as buses, trains, we could significantly reduce the number of traffic accidents. Besides, Governments should be obliged to improve the choice of public transport. If there are sufficient sky trains and underground train systems, traffic on the roads would be sharply decreased as fewer people would choose to drive their cars.

In conclusion, I consider that sustainable traffic reductions would depend on the determine and actions of not only each individual but also national authorities.


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1. Mình nghĩ câu số 4 đoạn 2, bạn nên để for example ở đầu câu tiếp theo thay vì đột ngột chấm câu sau for example. 

2. " Secondly, using public transport such as buses, trains, we could significantly reduce the number of traffic accidents.'' => mình nghĩ có thể thêm by using.....we could hoặc đảo we could.....by using.....

3. Theo mình, đoạn conclusion có thể thêm từ 1 đến 2 câu nữa, và có thể cắt bớt 1 câu từ đoạn 2 để cân bằng lại độ dài đều của các paragraph


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