With the pressures on today's young people to succeed academically, some people believe that non-academic subjects at school (eg: physical education and cookery) should be removed from the syllabus so that children can concentrate wholly on academic subjects. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
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With the pressures on today's young people to succeed academically, some people believe that non-academic subjects at school (eg: physical education and cookery) should be removed from the syllabus so that children can concentrate wholly on academic subjects.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?



 Students nowadays are racing to achieve roaring successes to guarantee a promising position in multinational companies. Therefore, the demand for student’s mastery of academic subjects becomes desperate which leads to a growing doubt whether to abolish the subjects that do not enhance knowledge like physical education. Personally, I completely disagree with the aforesaid idea for some reasons I will mention below:

 First of all, a student can do their best with a good foundation in terms of health, spirit and skills. Obviously, fitness helps us stay energetic to perform more precisely and relaxation refreshes our mind to make room for ingenious ideas and, in this case, sports and music have, therefore, proved their roles. What’s more, it is believed that participation in artistic work ideally consolidates students’ skills in designing, brainstorming and imaginative thinking. Generally, non-academic subjects bring us efficiency in handling our educational activities.

 Another reason worth consideration is that we are not born solely to study. Because of this, that students are made to spend all their times studying mathematics or languages to get a high-paid job is inappropriate. We are all supposed to lead a life as a complete individual which requires creational enjoyment and social interaction. As a result, ones would lack true values if they lack space for some classic songs by Johnny Cash, a tennis match with your mother or an evening drawing in the park.

 After all, we can safely come to conclude that non-academic subjects build a firm background for effective performance and help us enjoy our life. The bottom line behind a student’s éclat is his wisdom in balancing between advanced study and relaxation.


13 points

2 Answers

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" As a result, ones would lack true values if they lack space for some classic songs by Johnny Cash, a tennis match with your mother or an evening drawing in the park." Theo mình "with their mother" có vẻ phù hợp hơ trong trường hợp này.

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Bạn viết tốt nhưng hình như hơi lạc đề. Đề bài hình như đối tượng là children, theo mình ở đây muốn nói đến trình độ tiểu học hay trung học. Còn bài của bạn hơi mang hơi hớm người lớn??
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mình thì cứ coi thế hệ trẻ ở mọi độ tuổi đều như nhau cả thôi, ở bên Tây, trẻ em đã được tiếp xúc với những kĩ năng, phương pháp những hoạt động mà ta tưởng chỉ có thanh niên mới phù hợp.

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