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It is predicted that robots are going to become increasingly important in our lives. How could robots be used in the future? Will this development be a positive or negattive development?

Today, it goes without saying that robots are becoming more and more popular to our modern world, and people suppose they will keep even much more crucial in the future. This essay will list some usages of robots and explain why it is a negative development.

First and foremost, people are more adviseable to take advantage of robots to do housework, so that they can spend more time enjoying themselves. Moreover, they will not have to suffer from body aches when they do some kinds of housework that need much energy such as repairing things, moving the furniture and doing the laundry. Second, robots could also use to comple works which are beyond human’s ability and dangerous. For example, people would order robots to lift all the heavy building materials at the same time, remember a wide range of datas, diving into a thousand meter deep in a sea and other similar things. Therefore, people can get a lot of achievements without being injured thanks to robots.

On the other hands, I believe that those advancement in robotics will have a negative impact on society. Obviously, human will become lazy and sendantary when they depend too much on technology. Consenquently, they are less active and can suffer from a lot of diseases such as obesity and  heart attack. Futhermore, the propotion of unemployment will increase once robots are in place of human for more high quality products. It means that people would not have money to buy food and  it may result in porverty and hunger. Thus, human will vanish one day and robots are masters of the world.

Undoubtedly, robots help us to do all of the things, even dangerous ones but it can lead to health problems and joblessness of human.

55 points

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Today, it goes without saying that robots are becoming more and more popular to in our modern world, and people suppose they will keep even much more crucial in the future. This essay will list some usages of robots and explain why it is a negative development.

First and foremost, people are more adviseable to take advantage of robots to do housework, so that they can spend more time enjoying themselves. Moreover, they will not have to suffer from body aches when they do some kinds of housework that need much energy, such as repairing things, moving the furniture, and doing the laundry. Second, robots could also use to complete works which that are beyond human’s ability and dangerous. For example, people would order robots to lift all the heavy building materials at the same time, remember a wide range of datas, diving into a thousand meters deep in a sea, and other similar things. Therefore, people can get a lot of various achievements without being injured, thanks to robots.

On the other hands, I believe that those advancement in robotics will have a negative impact denote a bad association on society. Obviously, humans will become lazy and sedentary when they depend too much on technology. Consequently, they are less active and can suffer from a lot of several diseases such as obesity and heart attack. Furthermore, the proportion of unemployment will increase once robots are in place of humans for more high-quality products. It means that people would not have money to buy food, and it may result in poverty and hunger. Thus, the human will vanish one day, and robots are masters of the world.

Undoubtedly, robots help us to do all of the things, even dangerous ones, but it can lead to health problems and the joblessness of humans.

19 points

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