Some people think planning future is waste of time and people should focus on the present. To what extent do u agree or disagree? ac giúp e sửa lỗi và đánh giá bài viết với ạ ❤️ em cám ơn nhiều
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concerning the issue of planning future people hold different views. Some people claim that it is really wasteful time when people make the plan for their future and they should concentrate on the present.From my point of view, I partly agree with this idea for many convincing reasons.

     First and foremost, it is undeniable that planning future has some benefits for people. To be specific, a detailed plan enables people to anticipate upcoming barriers they have to overcome and requirement they have to fulfill. Thus, It provides people with sufficient time to get well-prepared to avoid unexpected results as well as seizing potential opportunities and gain thei aim.Besides, a master plan play an important role as a map and guidance in the long run towards the final goals in order that people do not get distracted and lost during the process.It is naturally following that planners is always oriented and his or her efforts will surely pay off.

      On the other hand, there is a great deal of researches which demonstrate that challenges we may encounter in the future is a source of anxiety.In the first place, when people make a plan , most of them often expect a perfect result even out of their reach and force themselves to have overworked. Take students at high school in Viet Nam as an example. In recently researchs, almost students spend from 8 to 12 hours in a day to study and the aim of this phenomenon is passing the entrance examination at top universities. Therefore, they often feel under pressure and hardly keep themselves contented and delighted. Moreover, life is unpredictable since issues may arise out of people's control, which means carefully-outlined plans could end up in trash bin. Hence, the philosophy of focusing on the present is of great importance in people to have flexible improvisation and avoid being passive.

     All things considered,both planning future and focusing on present have their own advantages but in my opinion, the benefits of focusing on present is outweigh. However, It is highly recommended that each person should consider carefully to choose a method which is possible for them.
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1. You wrote: ...eizing potential opportunities and gain thei aim.Besides, a master plan play an impo...

Feedback: Possible spelling mistake found

Error type: Possible Typo

Suggestion: the, that, their, then, they, than, them, thee, tea, Thai, thaw, Tia, Thad, Thea, aha, thew, TEI, Thar, the i, Hei, Thi, Thoi


2. You wrote: run towards the final goals in order that people do not get distracted and lost d...

Feedback: **Use "that" with singular nouns and "those" with plural nouns. Did you mean "those"?

Error type: Number agreement error

Suggestion: those


3. You wrote: ... On the other hand, there is a great deal of researches which demonstrate that ch...

Feedback: You have used the wrong word to quantify a plural. Revise: "a great number of researches".

Error type: Word choice error

Suggestion: a great number of researches


4. You wrote: ...he other hand, there is a great deal of researches which demonstrate that challenges we ma...

Feedback: This word is uncountable. It does not have a plural form. Revise: "research".

Error type: Singular-Plural error

Suggestion: research

6. You wrote: ...worked. Take students at high school in Viet Nam as an example. In recently researchs, a...Suggestion: Vietnam
7. You wrote: ... in Viet Nam as an example. In recently researchs, almost students spend from 8 to 12 hou...

Feedback: Possible spelling mistake. Did you mean "researches", the plural form of the noun 'research'?

Error type: Possible Typo

Suggestion: researches, research, research s


8. You wrote: ...m as an example. In recently researchs, almost students spend from 8 to 12 hours in a ...

Feedback: The word "almost" means "not quite, very nearly." You probably meant "most students".

Error type: Word choice error

Suggestion: most students


9. You wrote: ...edictable since issues may arise out of people's control, which means carefully-outlined...

Feedback: You have used a possessive form where you probably need a plural. Revise: "people", "peoples", "persons".

Error type: Possessive apostrophe error

Suggestion: people, peoples, persons




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