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Topic: Some people believe that school children should not be given homework by their teachers, whereas others argue that homework plays an important role in the education of children. Discuss both of these views and give your own opinion.

People have different views about if it is essential for children to do homework after school. While some argue that teachers should not make their students do homework, I believe that homework is crucial in the education of children.

On the one hand, there are some reasons why several people think children should not be given homework. Firstly, many people may assume that after a day of studying hard at school, pupils should spend the rest of the day relaxing. Therefore, several parents believe that children’ time at home should be used for their families and recreational activities such as reading books or playing chess rather than solving a Math exercise or writing an essay. Secondly, apart from school time, children need giving time for outdoor activities. For example, for parents who want their children to become all-round individuals and develop their talents, they would be more likely to take their children to courses for the gifted like ballet classes or martial art classes instead of forcing them to finish teachers’ assignments.

On the other hand, I still think that homework is a must. Clearly, doing homework is the best way to revise all lessons which were given at school. Besides, it is said that “Practice makes perfect”, so I also believe that homework is a powerful tool which aid learners in memorizing knowledge better in longer term. Furthermore, that teachers assign students with homework could prevent them from having so much free time to play online games, which does more harm than good to their mental and physical health.

In conclusion, although many people seem to underrate the importance of homework, I still presume that it plays an instrumental role in educating youngsters.


8 points

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Mình có một số góp ý về cách viết của bạn như sau.

- Thứ nhất, nếu quan điểm của bạn là nên giao BTVN, thì đoạn văn ủng hộ việc giao BTVN phải dài bằng hoặc hơn đoạn còn lại.

- Thứ hai, các ý trong body 2 của bạn còn khá sơ sài dù bạn đang support idea nên giao BTVN. Bạn nên đưa ra nhiều hơn các tác dụng của BTVN + ví dụ. Và bạn ko nên dùng trích dẫn trong essay IELTS nữa.

- Có một chỗ mình thấy bạn dùng ngữ pháp chưa phù hợp:

make their students do homework => mình nghĩ dùng từ force thay make có lẽ hợp lí hơn.

Nhìn chung thì bài viết của bạn chỉ cần thêm ý support cho body 2 để đoạn dài hơn và thuyết phục hơn là ok, văn bản về ngữ pháp mình ko thấy có lỗi. Cố gắng bạn nha ^^

56 points

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Thật ra mình cũng thấy đoạn 2 mình viết hơi ngắn thật. Anw, cảm ơn bạn nhiều nhé!
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People have different views about if it is essential for children to do homework after school(câu này mình thấy dùng mệnh đề if không đúng, bạn có thể tham khảo câu của mình như sau: These days, the question of whether children should be given homework by their teachers or not has been receiving a great deal of public attention).  While some argue that teachers should not make their students do homework, I believe that homework is crucial in the education of children.

On the one hand, there are some reasons why several people think children should not be given homework. Firstly, many people may assume that after a day of studying hard at school, pupils should spend the rest of the day relaxing. Therefore, several parents believe that children’ time at home should be used for their families and recreational activities such as reading books or playing chess rather than solving a Math exercise or writing an essay. Secondly, apart from school time, children need giving time for outdoor activities. For example, for parents who want their children to become all-round individuals and develop their talents, they would be more likely to take their children to courses for the gifted like ballet classes or martial art classes instead of forcing them to finish teachers’ assignments.

On the other hand, I still think that homework is a must. Clearly, doing homework is the best way to revise all lessons which were given at school. Besides, it is said that “Practice makes perfect”, so I also believe that homework is a powerful tool which aid -> aids learners in memorizing knowledge better in longer term(mình nghĩ nên sửa thành in the long term). Furthermore, that teachers assign students with homework could prevent them from having so much free time to play online games, which does more harm than good to their mental and physical health.

In conclusion, although many people seem to underrate the importance of homework, I still presume that it plays an instrumental role in educating youngsters.

43 points

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