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All carsthat burn fossil fuels shouldbe banned and electric cars should replace them . Do you agree or disagree


Privated transports which consump fossil fuel should be prohibited and use eco-friendly energy such as electric cars for alternative. In my opinion,I totally agree that electric cars should be used more regularly instead of petrol vehicles.

Fist of all, it is obviously that e-cars do not release emissions into environment. This is because e-cars do not require gas for charging them while petrol and diesel cars burn fossil fuels and discharge carbon dioxide directly into air .For example , our earth has been alarmingly global warming. One simplest method is stop using transports with carbon dioxide release.

Moreover, it is clear that users do not concern where the nearest gas station to charge for their car. A key reason for this is e-car uses sustanable energy such as sun, wind or electricity. Furthermore, petrol or diesel cars can drive with a very fast speed but it always make noise during journey.

In conclusion, i believe that we should limit using petrol cars and start to drive e-car for preserving environment and improve life quality
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Privated transports => Private transport

Consump => consume

Can change word: "Regularly => on a regular basis" for more formal.

"For example , our earth has been alarmingly global warming" => I think you should interpret more clearly because most of people have been known this consequence.

"User => Consumer"

"Sun => Solar Power"

There is all my opinion about your essay, and I assume that this essay is not enough 250 words.

Thank you so much. Hope you can read this say. 


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