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Some people think it is important to keep and maintain old buildings rather than replacing them with modern buildings. To what extent, do you agree or disagree?

      It is said that ancient structures should be kept and preserved instead of being replaced by modern constructions. Personally, I completely agree with this view.

     For a variety of reasons, it is crucial to keep old buildings intact. Firstly, old buildings which date back to the past are the legacies that our forefathers handed down to us and next generations. They remind us of the history of nations, the architectural styles in the past or even our origins. Secondly, in the present time, ancient structures are considered a powerful tool contributing to the development of national tourism. For example, there are about 15 million tourists visiting Vietnam annually, and a third-quarter of them said that historic attractions are what really appeal them. Besides, thanks to their visit, Vietnamese tourism and economy as a whole are benefited very well. Finally, ancient buildings also help to propagate the beauty of contries to international friends through festivals which take place there, As a result, the national culture and tradition can also become widespread and renowned. 

      Apart from the practical concerns expressed above, I also think that governments should enact appropriate policies to maintain and preserve valuable structures. I belive that if they are well maintained, they would do more good than harm, compared to high-rise buildings. Besides, old buildings are also the symbol, the spirit as well as the sould of countries, Hence, each individual should be highly aware of our responsilbilities for keeping them intact.

       In conclusion, I totally agree that old buildings should be kept and maintained as long as possible.

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Bạn vẫn  nên nêu lợi ích của new buidings nhé: ex
There are some compelling reasons why authorities might come up with the idea of demolishing some old-fashioned, dilapitated buildings and constructing novel, state-of-the-art ones. Firstly, various previously built buildings just fail to meet the requirements of safe, standardised constructions due to their longevity. So it is a crucial action to reconstruct them for the safety of residents living in the neighborhood. Secondly, people want to replace some eyesores haunting them at present by some creative, up-to-date architecture innovations for the sake of the area's aethestical aspect.
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