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The line chart gives information about the expenditure of 4 different kinds of food products in a European country from 1979 to 2004.

Overall, it is clear that the figure of chicken saw a dramatic increased between 1979 and 2004. By contrast, the consumption of the others decreased, despite fluctuations over a period of 25 years.

In the 1979-1989 period, the figure for beef that people in the European country consumed decreased slightly from around 220 in 1979 to 200 in 1989. The amount of chicken showed the opposite trend, they witnessed a rapid rise from around 140 in 1979 to the same figure for beef 200 in 1989. In 2004, the amount of chicken rose to around 255 which is the highest point of the whole line graph. By contrast, the figure for beef fell rapidly to the lowest point which around 125 over the same year.

Although two trends were similar in terms of a general decline, the amount of lamb, which declined signìicantly from exactly 150 in 1979 to around 70 in 2004, was higher than the figure for fish over a 25-year period.

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2 Answers

1 vote
1 vote

Overall, it is clear that the figure of chicken saw a dramatic increased => increase between 1979 and 2004. By contrast, the consumption of the others decreased, despite fluctuations over a period of 25 years.

13 points
0 votes
0 votes

The amount of chicken showed the (an) opposite trend, they witnessed a rapid rise from around 140 in 1979 to the same figure for beef 200 in 1989

353 points

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