In many countries, young people leave rural areas for studying and working in cities. What are the causes and effects of this trend?(100 - 150 words)
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Nowadays, in many countries, yong people leave rurals areas for studying and working in cities. There are many causes for this trend and it also leads to many effects. First of all, people leave rural eraes because they want to study in prestigious universities. Therefore, after graduating, they will get a good job and a good life. Secondly, there aren't enough jobs in the countryside and the quality of life is still poor so people tend to move to cities with the expectation that they will have a better life. Obviously, this leads to many effects, include good effects and bad effects. More people move to the city for studying and working which means both intellectual standard and the quality of life increase. However, this causes the imbalance of population between rural areas and cities. Too many people in the city also leads to the unemployments and increase the rates of social evils. In conclusion, there are many causes of this trend and it also leads to many effects.
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1.Nowadays, in many countries, yong people leave rurals areas for studying and working in cities ( Trước hết phải paraphase lại đề bài nhé, bước này quan trọng đấy! Cậu có thể tham khảo: Recently, there is a trend of the juvenile leaving the countryside for big cities in many nations. The essay below will outline some reasons behind this phenomenon and its results)

2. There are many causes for this trend and it also leads to many effects. ( bỏ phần " and it also... " đi vì sau đấy cậu vẫn chỉ đang nói về vấn đề. Tách thành 1 paragraph nhé)

3.Therefore, after graduating, they will get a good job and a good life.( k ai dám khẳng định là học trường danh giá là sau này sẽ có good job,  good life cả. Dù đây là opinion của cậu nhưng nó cho giám khảo thấy bài viết rất ngây ngô. Nên sửa thành " .... Prestigious uni with a view to standing a better chance for a well-paid job, hence, a quality life)

4.Obviously, this leads to many effects, include good effects and bad effects. ( sai grammar rùi!  Include--->including và bỏ dấu phẩy đi)  
Nhưng để cho hay hơn thì ntn nè: This, undoubtedly,  results in both positive and negative effects
 Thời gian có hạn nên mk chỉ chữa đc đến đây thôi!  Cậu thông cảm
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