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Some people believe that it is good to share as much information as possible in scientific research, business and the accademic world. Others believe that some information is too important or too valuable to be shared freely.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


There is no doubt that as the world developed, human beings has uncountable discoveries in all fields such as science, business. While some people believe that these findings should be revealed to the public, others argue that because of the significance and value of that  knowledge, it should not be well publicized. I tend to agree with the latter argument. In this essay, I will discuss both sides of the topic.

 Those who believe pivotal information should be accessible argue that everyone has the right to know what is happening on the plannet. This is because of a common belief that if one knew a valueable information about a specific niche, he or she would use them for their own benefits and maybe even worse, for harmful motives. To illustrate this point, nowadays it is commonplace that every country tries to invent and manufacture their “secret weapons” in order to fight against their enemies in necessary occasions. Hence, the world could be exploded if all these weapons triggered at the same time. If people are aware of these preparations, they can pay more attention to the news and prevent the worst situation.

However, I wholeheartedly believe that secret reports and information should remain secrets. The reason for this is some of these could raise a lot unwanted concerns in the public if they were exposed. For instance, if there were a threat, not truly a frightening one,  to our world in the next century, then the whole world would suffer from everywhere worries among citizens, which will definitely influence the world system. However, if the authories can well preserve these information, then it will keep the world running smoothly without any concerns.

Having looked at both sides, despite that fact that being concious about the world could help human beings stop threats, I believe that we should really be careful when it comes to choosing what to announced and which not.


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Hello Moduoitroitho20, bạn post bị lỗi duplicate mình mới xóa đi phần thừa rồi nhé. 

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