Many people say that the Internet is important. Do you agree and disagree
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In the high tech era, It comes as no surprise to say that the Internet plays a significant role in their lives. In my opinion, I strongly suppose its idea

On the one hand,Firstly, the Internet influence people's life in every single aspect. It can not be denied that the Internet is convenient. Can people buy anything immediately throudh websites such as Tiki, Amazon and facebook only by a click mouse. It makes their lives simple. Futhermore, thanks to its unlimited sources of materials. the Internet facilitate study and working. There are many study document that students are piece of cake to find available document. Secondly, the online connetion transform the world into a small village. An event happening anywhere is known in a matter of seconds; geographical distance no longer erects barrier against communication between person and person. 

On the other hand, I think that the Internet is not the most important invention. Other more vital discoveries, devices and innovation has been played more important role such as papper and printer that store a large amount of information from one generation to another. Those make people more intelligent and knowledgeable. Moreoever, without electricity, the Internet would not exist in this planet. As far as I know, the electricty is the father of all devices that it is very substantial.

In conclusion, the Interner is extremely astonishing devices but not the only one. I still firmly believe that the Internet is one of the biggest inventions of humankinds. Users should consider its benefits and its limited point


22 points

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In the high tech era, It comes as no surprise to say there is no denying that the Internet plays a significant role in their (their là ai?) humans' lives. In my opinion, I strongly suppose its oppose this idea

On the one hand,Firstly, the Internet influence people's life in every single aspect. Firstly, It can not be denied that the Internet is convenient. Can people People can buy anything immediately throudh websites such as Tiki, Amazon and facebook only by a click mouse. It makes their lives simple. Futhermore, thanks to its unlimited sources of materials. the Internet facilitates study and working. There are many study document that students are it is only a piece of cake for students to find available document. Secondly, the online connetion transforms the world into a small village. An event happening anywhere is known in a matter of seconds; geographical distance no longer erects barriers against to communication between person and person. 

On the other hand, I think that the Internet is not the most important invention. Other more vital discoveries, devices and innovations has have been played more important roles such as papper and printer that which store a large amount of information from one generation to another. Those make people more intelligent and knowledgeable. Moreoever, without electricity, the Internet would not exist in this planet. As far as I know, the electricty is the father of all devices that  hence it is very substantial.

In conclusion, the Interner is extremely astonishing devices invention but not the only one. I still firmly believe that the Internet is one of the biggest there are other inventions that are more crucial of humankinds  besides the Internet.(your original sentence of this sentence contradicts the previous. You said it was not really important and then you say it's one of the most important). Users should consider its benefits and its limited points

59 points

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