Many people are not interested in how their food has been produced. They only care about how much it costs. How true is this statement? What influences people when they buy food?
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Shoppers now have different choices of their food products. There are also many criteria in order to select the food and each person has their own attitude towards the products they choose.

A number of people buy food that suits their life style. For example, students may prefer instant foods such as breads, noodles since they are convenient and quite cheap as well. Meanwhile, well-paid workers have a tendency to pick up food from the supermarkets. Another example is that long-hour workers will choose frozen food or products that can be stored in a long time since they do not have much time for preparing meals. Meanwhile, many other people like fresh food that can be used during one day.

On the other hand, quality and the origin the products are also the standard for most shoppers when they need to decide what to buy. Recently, news about dirty foodstuff and the fact that farmers are now abusing pesticide do worry buyers when they go shopping. Acknowledging that those chemicals can be the main cause for many health problems, shoppers gradually pay much attention to the origin of the food products to make sure that the food they consume is clean and hygiene. Therefore, they always come to prestigious stores for the fresh foodstuff instead of grabbing the food that has no origin.

In conclusion, it seems that cost is one of the criteria but not the priority when people buy food. How and where the food is produced are the main concern for most buyers.
15 points

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1 Answer

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i think that this is kind of agree or disagree essay, which means you need to state your opinion in the introduction. so i think you should place it seems that cost is one of the criteria but not the priority when people buy food. in your introduction

Plus, i think your essay is well planned, main idea stated clearly, but sometimes, words are not used correctly. 

For example, on the other hand should be in addition/moreover/furthermore.... coz you are stating another criteria for pp to choose food.


54 points

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