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A lot of developing countries relying on tourism to boost their economy, discuss the advantages and disadvantages that tourism brings to the local area.


Together with the development of our world’s economy, the need of traveling and discovery of the human can be seen to increase strongly in recent time. Thus many countries are focusing on tourism to gain as much money as they can that brings back both benefits and challenges.

One of the biggest advantages that this industry brings to a country is a big amount of foreign currency that is recognized as a great affect to boost the domestic commerce. The second benefit which a country receives when doing tourism well is creating more jobs for local citizen and therefore reducing the unemployment rate. Moreover, if there are more and more travelers come to visit a beauty spot or complex, the image of this country is improved as well in terms of marketing perspective.

On the other hand, there is also variety of issues that a country has to face when expanding their tourism industry. The first and foremost challenge is the bad effect to the environment that influences directly to the local lives. It can be seen easily that people are exploiting all the natural resources too much and our eco system is being destroyed day by day. Secondly, there are evidences showing that not all visitors are friendly travelers who bring along bad habits and behaviors to the country which transport negative impacts to the young people. In fact, it is quite dangerous if the Government of a country chooses to rely on one industry such as tourism only, especially when there are unexpected events such as natural disasters or political conflicts. One of the best example is the tsunami in 2004 in Thailand that effected strongly to the travel industry of this country.

In short, it seems evident that tourism brings both advantages and disadvantages to developing countries.
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Together with the development of our world’s economy, the need of traveling and discovery of the human can be seen to increase strongly in recent time. Thus many countries are focusing on tourism to gain as much money as they can that brings back both benefits and challenges.

One of the biggest advantages that this industry brings to a country is a big amount of foreign currency which plays an important role in iincreasing dramatically the domestic commerce. The second benefit which a country receives when doing tourism well is creating more jobs for local citizen and therefore reducing the unemployment rate. Moreover, if there are more and more travelers come to visit beautiful spots or complex areas, the image of this country will be improved significantly in terms of marketing perspective.

On the other hand, there is also variety of issues that a country has to face when expanding their tourism industry. The first and foremost challenge is the bad effect to the environment that have many enormous negative impacts on to the local lives directly. It can be seen easily that people are exploiting all the natural resources too much and our eco system is being destroyed strongly day by day. Secondly, there are many specific evidences showing that not all visitors are friendly travelers who bring along bad habits and behaviors to the country and it absolutely will have negative impacts on the the normal life of local people. In fact, it is too dangerous if the Government of a country chooses to just  rely on one industry such as tourism only, especially when there are unexpected events like natural disasters or political conflicts. One of the best example is the tsunami in 2004 in Thailand that effected strongly to the travel industry of this country.

In short, it seems evident that tourism brings both advantages and disadvantages to developing countries.

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Together with the development of our world’s economy, the need of traveling and discovery of the human can be seen to increase strongly in recent time. Thus many countries are focusing on tourism to gain as much money as they can that brings back both benefits and challenges.

One of the biggest advantages that this industry brings to a country is a big amount of foreign currency that is recognized as a great affect to boost the domestic commerce. The second benefit which a country receives when doing tourism well is creating more jobs for local citizen and therefore reducing the unemployment rate. Moreover, if there are more and more travelers come to visit a beauty spot or complex, the image of this country will be improved as well in terms of marketing perspective.

On the other hand, there is also variety of issues that a country has to face when expanding their tourism industry. The first and foremost challenge is the bad effect to the environment that influences directly to the local lives. It can be seen easily that people are exploiting all the natural resources too much and our eco system is being destroyed day by day. Secondly, there are evidences showing that not all visitors are friendly travelers who bring along bad habits and behaviors to the country which transport negative impacts to the young people. In fact, it is quite dangerous if the Government of a country chooses to rely on one industry such as tourism only, especially when there are unexpected events such as natural disasters or political conflicts. One of the best example is the tsunami in 2004 in Thailand that effected strongly to the travel industry of this country.

In short, it seems evident that tourism brings both advantages and disadvantages to developing countries.

55 points

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