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Bài viết của em (có cụm từ trend reversal em tham khảo link này [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zm9CaPhn5NU[/url] ):

The bar chart illustrates changes in the annual GDP growth of Tunisia, Japan and Ecuador from 2007 to 2010.
Overall, there was a trend reversal during the given period: Tunisia, having the highest growth in GDP in 2007, slowly declined and by 2010 had been overtaken by the emerging Japan. On the other hand, Ecuador' GDP growth peaked in 2008 but had since fallen considerably.
In 2007, the economy of Tunisia saw a staggering growth of 6%, more than twice as much as that of Japan and Ecuador. But a year later, development in Tunisia slowed down significantly to about 4%, just enough for the other two countries to catch up, with Ecuador now taking the lead.
From 2009, Japan had become the fastest growing among the three countries, whereas both Tunisia and Ecuador stagnated. It is also interesting to note the fall in GDP growth for Ecuador was rather abrupt, from just below 5% to about 1%. Finally, 2010 was not much different from 2009, except that Japan is now growing at roughly the same rate as Tunisia back in 2002.

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