Should entrance examination be compulsory for students to enter a university in Viet Nam
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In Vietnam, going to the university has been considered to be a huge turning point in people’s life. The entrance examination has come out as the judgment whether someone can study on campus or not. However, in this new world, some people say that it is not necessary to take that kind of exam. To me, I still bear in mind that entrance examination still remains an important part in evaluating students for studying colleges programs due to the following reasons.

Firstly, entrance examination should be commendatory to classify the levels of students. When the students enter the same majority, it will be easier for them to study and improve because they all have the same rudimental knowledge. Accordingly, those students who have the same dream jobs will make a great effort to enter the colleges they would love to.

The second reason why entrance exams to the university should still be remained because it will save a lots money for the government as well as the student’s families. The students who get the standard scores can go to the state universities with low tuition fees. Moreover, in recent two years in Vietnam, the minister of education has taken two exams in one which is the graduation exam couple with the entrance exam. This help save federal great sums of money as well as the families do not have to spend much money and labor on taking their children to the testing place.

And less often but far more important, the entrance examination is regarded as the first challenge for the students who desire to go to the top or the state colleges. The students need to be matured enough, study hard, and try their best to prepare for the exam. Sometimes, they need to be put under pressure, such as from families, to create themselves a chance to cope with their problems. This will be the warm up for their independent life in the future.

However, some people might argue that there is no longer need to take the entering university examination; everyone has the right to joint in colleges teaching programs if they want to. This claim seems like reasonable on the surface but to invest in the essence, more harm than good. Because the number of students each year is outnumber the slots of students in the universities, particularly the community ones. Moreover, if the students is not qualified enough, it is hard for them to absorb the university lectures which it’s really a waste of time and huge sums of money. And lastly, we have been doing good to take entrance examination so far and the solutions for those who want to attend university their own have not been mentioned much.

In conclusion, the statue government should still insist on keeping the entrance examination for those who want to attend universities in Vietnam. This method has existed for centuries because of its classification, saving money and helping the students to act responsibly and be more mature.
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In Vietnam, going to the university has been considered to be a huge turning point in people’s life. The entrance examination has come out as the judgment whether someone can study on campus or not. However, in this new world, some people say that it is not necessary to take that kind of exam. To me, I still bear in mind that entrance examination still remains an important part  evaluating students for studying colleges (college) programs due to the following reasons.
Firstly, entrance examination should be commendatory to classify the levels of students. When the students enter the same majority, it will be easier for them to study and improve because they all have the same rudimental knowledge. Accordingly, those students who have the same dream jobs will make a great effort to enter the colleges they would love to.
The second reason why entrance exams to the university should still be remained because it will save a lots (a lot of/ lots of) money for the government as well as the student’s (students') families. The students who get the standard scores can go to the state universities with low tuition fees. Moreover, in recent two years in Vietnam, the minister of education has taken two exams in one which is the graduation exam couple with the entrance exam. This help (helps) save federal great sums of money as well as the families do not have to spend much money and labor on taking their children to the testing place. -> Doan nay minh khong hieu ro y ban lam, minh thay no khong co lien ket voi nhung phan khac cua bai essay
And less often but far more important, the entrance examination is regarded as the first challenge for the students who desire to go to the top or the state colleges. The students need to be matured enough, study hard, and try their best to prepare for the exam. Sometimes, they need to be put under pressure, such as from families, to create themselves a chance to cope with their problems. This will be the warm up for their independent life in the future.
However, some people might argue that there is no longer need to take the entering university examination; everyone has the right to joint in college teaching programs if they want to. This claim seems like reasonable on the surface but to invest in the essence, more harm than good. Because the number of students each year is outnumber (outnumbering) the slots of students in the universities, particularly the community ones. Moreover, if the students is not qualified (are not qualified) enough, it is hard for them to absorb the university lectures which it’s really a waste of time and huge sums of money. And lastly, we have been doing good to take (an) entrance examination so far and the solutions for those who want to attend university their own have not been mentioned much.
In conclusion, the statue government should still insist on keeping the entrance examination for those who want to attend universities in Vietnam. This method has existed for centuries because of its classification, saving money and helping the students to act responsibly and be more mature.
- Minh thay cac phan no khong duoc lien ket cho lam, cac ly do khong duoc logic. 
- Thay vi viet 6 doan thi minh nghi ban nen viet 4 hoac 5 doan la okay roi.
- Ngu phap va tu vung cua ban tot, tuy co sai vai loi ngu phap co ban ve chia dong tu
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