Wild animals have no place in the 21st century, so protecting them is a waste of resources. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
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It is true that there are hardly habitats for wild animals to live today. However, I completely disagree with the point of wiew that protecting these animals is meaningless.

Wildlife comservation will hugely benefit humanity in terms of living environment and economy state. On the environmental level, conserving ecosystems is the utterly fundamental requirement, giving the wild creatures favourable places to develop. Consequently, natural environments such as forest and ocean are certainly protected, helping remove industrial pollutants like greenhouse gas emission. This allows human beings to live longer and healthily due to cleaner and fresher living environment. On the economic perspective, any country has a powerful source of wild animals can expect to bring about abundant income. Some particular products from the nature animals like wallets made from crocodile skin have always been the all-time favourite items.

Protection of wild animals also ensures our descendants better future. The variety and diversity of natural communities can be guaranteed. As a result, our futuristic generations may have as many good opportunities as their ancestors to study and research the creatures for better life quality. While we people dismiss the animals in wild world now, I imagine how much weight that our children will have to bear because of lack of wild creatures. They will expect to lead a lonely life almost without any living organisms but human. Finally, our action to conserve wild animals tends to give our younger generations numerous moral messages and awalys makes them respect their ancestors.

In conclusion, I strongly believe that wild animals worth protecting for our own profits.
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It is true  ( It trues) that there are hardly ( any) habitats for wild animals to live today. However, I completely disagree with the point of wiew that protecting these animals is meaningless.

Wildlife comservation will hugely benefit humanity in terms of living environment and economy state. On the environmental level, conserving ecosystems is the utterly fundamental requirement,(which is) giving the wild creatures favourable places to develop. Consequently, natural environments such as forest and ocean are certainly protected, helping remove industrial pollutants like greenhouse gas emission. This allows human beings to live longer and healthily ( healthier) due to (chỉ dùng due to với trường hợp negative, ở đây dùng as a result of hoặc result from...) cleaner and fresher living environment. On the economic perspective, any country which has a powerful ( wealthy)  source of wild animals can expect to bring about abundant income. Some particular products from the nature animals like wallets made from crocodile skin have always been the all-time favourite items.( câu này chả support ý của đoạn này gì cả ??)

Protection of wild animals also ensures our descendants better future. The variety and diversity of natural communities can be guaranteed. As a result, our futuristic generations may have as many good opportunities as their ancestors to study and research the creatures for better life quality. While we people dismiss the animals in wild world now, I imagine how much weight that our children will have to bear because of lack of wild creatures. They will expect to lead a lonely life almost without any living organisms but human. Finally, our action to conserve wild animals tends to give our younger generations numerous moral messages and awalys makes them respect their ancestors.

In conclusion, I strongly believe that wild animals worth protecting ( being protected) for our own profits.
Theo mình bạn nên lập dàn ý khác mạch lạc hơn liên quan hơn @@


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