IELTS task 2 28/02/2012 In the world today, it’s no longer necessary to use animals for food, and their products for clothing or medicine. To what extend do you agree or disagree.
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Em đang tự học IELTS nên rất mong nhận được góp ý của mọi người ạ :) Cảm ơn mọi người!

The world is being improved in a non-stop speed. Nowadays, with cutting-edge technology, people can even create artificial living cell, which is considered a big revolution of the world. The question being raised here is that could it be possible to eliminate animals from the process of making food, clothing and medicine? In my opinion, I think the answer is yes for the following reasons.

Technology has been developed to the extent of successfully creating living creature. We are able to clone from one cell to the whole organ, which Dolly sheep is the first step forward. This succession is conducive to a future without the need of killing animal for medicine, and makes the idea of using artificial product not completely a utopion mission. Moreover, we have been using artificial product for clothing for years. Even though the quality of those products could hardly be compared with the glamorious beauty of the real one, however they are cheaper and have their own desirable feature too. With sopihisticated technology being invented days by days, those artificial products will be able to match with the real one in the near future. In addition, without animals’ meat, people can still live healthily. The vegeterian is the most pratical example for this case.

I admit that artifitial products could never be compared with the real products, however this is also a problem of humanity. Animals are good friend of human, and they deserve the right to live freely. It is immoral to use their flesh for food just because they are weaker and less intelligent than us. People has endeavor to find a solution to this problem for years, and up to now, we are able to take a giant step toward that dream. The rest depends on us – the cosumers who decide the demand and supply of the market. Therefore, if we are truly avid for a future without animal being killed, it will definitely happend.

In a nutshell, the world which is no longer necessary to use animal for food, medicine and clothing is not completely impratical. With the trend of becoming vegeterian being raised recently, it is forecasted that this dream would come true in the near future.
13 points

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Hi cậu. Tớ nghĩ bài cậu viết câu cú ngữ pháp khá ổn rồi nhưng có một số lưu ý tớ đọc được và  muốn chia sẻ với cậu như sau:

_Câu topic sentence mỗi đoạn không cần viết loằng ngoằng mà phải viết rõ ràng cái idea bao quát cho toàn đoạn.

_Nếu cậu khá cậu có thể viết mở bài cầu kì nhưng tự học mà trong thời gian gấp nên viết mở bài ngắn gọn và đi thẳng vào vấn đề luôn để tập trung vào phần thân bài quan trọng hơn. Phần mở bài : IN MY OPINION, I THINK ....-> I THINK  bị thừa ( lỗi ngữ pháp cơ bản)

_ Tớ đọc được ở đâu đó là ko nên dùng IN A NUTSHELL. Có giám khảo thích, có giám khảo không. Tốt nhất không dùng cho lành. Từ tốt và an toàn nhất là IN CONCLUSION
5 points

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