write about "April Fool" - viết về ngày cá tháng tư
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On 1st April, people in Britain like to play jokes on each other. If someone can trick another person before midday, then they can call them an "April Fool". The tradition probably began in France in the 16th century.

This annual tradition is repeated in different countries and cultures around the world but not always on the same date and with different kinds of jokes.

* In France and Italy, if someone plays a trick on you, you are the “April fish”. Children stick paper fish to their friends’ backs and chocolate fish are found in the shops.

          * In Spain and Mexico, similar celebrations take place on 28th December, the Day of the Holy Innocents, to celebrate childhood.

          * In the UK and the USA, people play small tricks on friends. They put a bag of flour might be balanced on the top of a door so that when the “victim” opens the door, the flour empties over their head. Sometimes the media gei involved. Once, a British short film was shown on April Fool Day. It’s about farmers harvest their crop from spaghetti trees.

          Most April Fool jokes are in good fun and not meant to harm anyone. The best trick is the one when everyone laughs.

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