task 2 - mình mới viết bài này, mọi người góp ý cùng nhé! cám ơn cả nhà nhiều !
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Motorways help people travel quickly and cover long distances but they also cause problems. What are the problems of motorways and what solutions are there?

               Today, highways are constructed for efficient transportation all around the world. It is persuasive that the freeways benefit human life to travel comfortably and shorten the long distances. However, the motorways also impact negatively in several aspects, such as environment, driving safety.  In this essay, the drawbacks of the motorways and some effective methods to overcome are analysed.

               It is obvious that environment is effected seriously by the highways. In fact, the superhighways often are built from non- environmentally friendly material such as cement, stone. These materials increase the surface’s temperature and make the wifdlife around the highways cannot servive. Besides, daily, thousands of transportations go through the motorways and create both air pollution and noise pollution. To tackle this problem, the government has to invest on the eco- friendly materials to develop the motorway system and some reducing noise equipments. In addition, the travellers essentially are encourged to drive environmentally friendly cars by some feasiable policies such as: reducing the tax, reducing the price of gas.

               The other disadvantage of motorways is the danger of unlimted speed. There are many coutries which do not regulate about the limitation of speed or stipulate extremely high speed on the highways, so it leads to more and more vital accidents on the motorways. This issue can be solved by some possible methods. First of all, all drivers must have driving licenses and educate carefully how to drive safely on the freeways. Furthermore, the governments necessarily define the limitation of the speed or reduce the limited speed slighly. Finally, the residents living close to the motorways should build some first –aid stations to cure in time accidents.

               In conclusion, althrough there are still some drawbacks, it cannot denied that the motorways are significantly useful. Therefore, if people can aware of the importance of highways for human life, they easily have more and more helpful methods to overcome the below difficulties.


50 points

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2 Answers

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vốn từ vựng phong phúuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

cách đăt câu dg từ khá tốtttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

bài làm chặt chẽ, nêu đúng vấn đề, ns chung là ổnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

bạn đang học toeic hay ielts zạ????????????????????????????

nếu đc thì bạn có thể làm dài hơn ko ak, tại m thấy ài này hơi ngắn nếu như dài hơn nhìu ý hơn thì là quá đỉnh r đay!
12 points


cái câu này : " First of all, all drivers must have driving licenses and educate carefully how to drive safely on the freeways." m nghĩ nên là  " be educated" ( thụ động) => đc giáo dục, nghe có vẻ hay hơn í bạn 

ah đúng rồi, mình không để ý chỗ đoạn này đấy, cám ơn bạn nhé!
mình cũng đang tự học IELTS thôi, nhưng vì bài task 2 mình nghĩ ko nên quá 300 words nên chỉ viết đc thế này thôi :(

Nhu vaj la qua hay r ban ak !

Chac b lon hon tuoi m chu nhi???

M ms hoc ts PET :'( crying

thi PET là thế nào vậy bạn ?
cuộc thi kiểu như dành cho cấp độ cỡ cuối lớp  9 í

m học lớp 8 nek, năm sau lop 9!
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0 votes

Today, highways are constructed for efficient transportation all around the world. It is persuasive that the freeways benefit human life to travel comfortably and shorten the long distances/ LONG DISTANCE. However, the motorways also impact negatively in several aspects, such as (1) environment, driving safety/ ENVIRONTMENT AND DRIVING SAFETY.  In this essay, the drawbacks of the motorways and some effective methods to overcome are analysed./ SHOULD HAVE USED THE FUTURE TENSE

               It is obvious that environment is effected seriously by the highways. In fact, the superhighways often are built from non- environmentally friendly material such as (2) cement, stone/ MATERIALS SUCH AS CEMENT AND STONE. These materials increase the surface’s temperature and make the wifdlife around the highways cannot servive/ CAN NOT SURVIVE. Besides, daily, thousands of transportations/ TRANSPORTATIONS? "VEHICLES" IS ADVISED go through the motorways and create both air pollution and noise pollution/ AIR AND NOISE POLLUTION. To tackle this problem, the government (*) has to invest on the eco- friendly materials to develop the motorway system and some reducing (1) noise equipments. In addition, the travellers essentially are encourged to drive environmentally friendly cars by some feasiable policies such as (3): reducing(2) the tax, reducing (3) the price of gas.

               The other disadvantage/ ANOTHER IS BETTER of motorways is the danger of unlimted speed. There are many coutries which do not regulate about the limitation of speed or stipulate extremely high speed on the highways, so it leads to more and more vital accidents on the motorways. This issue can be solved by some possible methods. First of all, all drivers must have driving licenses and educate/ BE EDUCATED carefully how to drive safely on the freeways. Furthermore, the governments (YOU DID USE "government in singular form why used "governments" here") necessarily define the limitation of the speed or reduce (4)// VARY THE VERBS the limited speed slighly. Finally, the residents living close to the motorways should build some first –aid stations to cure in time accidents.

               In conclusion, althrough/ ALTHOUGH there are still some drawbacks, it cannot denied/ IT CAN NOT BE DENIED that the motorways are significantly useful. Therefore, if people can aware of CAN BE AWARE OF the importance of highways for human life, they easily have more and more helpful methods to overcome the below difficulties/ BELOW DIFFICULTIES?.


8 points

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