Mọi người cho em ý kiến về đề tại sau với nhé, cảm ơn mọi người: Woman should not to have an abortion. Do you agree or disagree
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It is clear form the current social phenomenon that people have an intention to  more airy look about the sexual life which lead to woman get a preganancy before get married more popular than that in the past. The large number of pregenancy woman choose the aboration way to protect their preputation or their circumstanaces needed. I strongly agree that woman should not to have an abortion because it can harm woman, violates civil rights and punishes innoncen people.

Inially, get an abortion is to contribute harm for woman. Harm comes in variety of forms mental, emotional, relational, and physical and in some case, woman's lives are lost through pernancy ignorment. For example, my best friend, who was 20 years old, had have a pernancy with her boy friend. Howerer, they are also young and their parents did not accept the issue. My friend ignored her pernancy in confused mood. There is no sympathies for her afterward her boy friend broke up her who made her upset and stopped her university. Her health was affected and she could not have reproduction capacity after that. The real life story demontrates again and again the abortion harms woman.

Furthermore, it is clear that abortion is also infringe human rights. The most basic rule of human is life rights. The children do not deserve to die for the crimes of his father. A five years old cannot be killed because his father is a rapist. A five month unborn children should not be allowed to be killed for the same reason. In addition, a child is completed innoncent who did not decide that his parents would have sex or that they would use effective contraception. Thus, unborn children are deprived of life which is the most basic right of all, simply based on their location and their development status. This is discrimanatory, inhuman and curel.

All in all, it is noticialbe that unborn innoncent child should be restricted and punished by peopel and governement. We should protect their future and woman's lives to proctect civilized society.
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It is clear form the current social phenomenon that ( dài dòng quá)  people have an intention to  more airy look about the sexual life which lead to woman get a preganancy before get married more popular than that in the past ( đề cũng không nêu ra là before hay after get married nha ). The large number of pregenancy woman choose the aboration way to protect their preputation or their circumstanaces needed. I strongly agree that woman should not to have an abortion because it can harm woman, violates civil rights and punishes innoncen people.

Inially, get an abortion is to contribute harm for woman. Harm comes in variety of forms mental, emotional, relational, and physical and in some case, woman's lives are lost through pernancy ignorment. For example, my best friend, who was 20 years old, had have a pernancy with her boy friend. Howerer, they are also young and their parents did not accept the issue. My friend ignored her pernancy in confused mood. There is no sympathies for her afterward her boy friend broke up her who made her upset and stopped her university. Her health was affected and she could not have reproduction capacity after that. The real life story demontrates again and again the abortion harms woman. ( ví dụ này có vẻ hơi dài quá)
Furthermore, it is clear that abortion is also infringe human rights. The most basic rule of human is life rights. The children do not deserve to die for the crimes of his father. A five years old cannot be killed because his father is a rapist. A five month unborn children should not be allowed to be killed for the same reason. In addition, a child is completed innoncent who did not decide that his parents would have sex or that they would use effective contraception. Thus, unborn children are deprived of life which is the most basic right of all, simply based on their location and their development status. This is discrimanatory, inhuman and curel.

All in all, it is noticialbe that unborn innoncent child should be restricted and punished by peopel and governement. We should protect their future and woman's lives to proctect civilized society.


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