Bài ielts task 2 - individuals solve environment problems
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Some people think that environmental problems are too big for individuals to solve. Others believe individuals can also do some things to solve these problems. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

There are a variety of different perspective on the question of whether or not individuals have ability to tackle environmental problems. As my position, I would contend that despite these problems are numerous and complexity, there are lot of actions which could be taken by individuals to solve it.

First, it is an indisputable fact that a vast of environmental problems has widespread influence and could not be tackle by one person or even one nation at large. A salient example of these problems is global warming which are caused by greenhouse gas emission. Despire its root factor has been determined, it is not simply to solve this problem because many affluent countries were afraid of reducing the volume of cacbon dioxide from industrial zones might led to the loss of economic prospective. In conclusion, enviromental problems have been not seemed simply tasks for individuals.

Yet, it is my belief that each citizen of each country has ability to solve these problem at some level. Admittedly, the primary causes of environmental problems such as water polution and waste are human activities. Thus, if each person alter  their negative action to the environment, it will be possible for him to solve these problems himself. An example is that each individual can reduce the waste he thrown each day by reusing and recycling. Using  green products which bring less drawbacks to enviroment is other suggestion for individuals.

By way of conclusion, I once reaffirm that it is posible for each citizen of the world to resolve the environmental problems at some level although these problems are complexity.

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There is a variety of different perspectives on the question of whether or not individuals have the ability to tackle environmental problems. In my opinion, I would contend that despite the complexity of these problems, there is a range of  actions which could be taken by individuals to solve it.

First, it is an indisputable fact that a vast of environmental crises has widespread influence and could not be tackled by one person or even one nation at large. A salient example is global warming which are caused by greenhouse gas emission. Despite its root factor has been determined, it is not simple to solve this problem because many affluent countries refused to reduce the volume of cacbon dioxide from industrial zones for fear of possible revenue losses. In other words, enviromental problems are certainly not easy for individuals to handle themselves.

Nevertheless, it is my belief that each citizen of each country can help to alleviate the crises. Admittedly, the primary causes of environmental problems such as polution and global warming are human activities. Thus, if each person modify his behaviour towards the environment, it will be possible for him to solve these problems himself. An example is that each individual can reduce the waste he throw each day by reusing and recycling. Using  green products which bring fewer drawbacks to enviroment is another suggestion for individuals.

By way of conclusion, I want to reaffirm that it is achievable for each citizen of the world to resolve the environmental problems at some level, all we need is endeavour and willingness to save our planet.



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