IELTS Task 2 : All over the world, societies are facing a growing problem with obesity. This problem affects both children and adults. What are the reason for this in obesity? How could it be taclked?
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In morden life, the problem of obesity upsurges day by day. Increasing rate of overweight children and adult is a major issue in some countries, especially developed-countries. There are various reasons behind it but in this essay I will try to sum up it into some main causes and give particular way to deal with each reason.

The first reason is diet, people tend to eat more junk foods that contain high level of calories, trans-fat and oil because they have not enough time to prepare themselves a healthy meal in such a hurried society. Certainly, children also have the same meals with their parents. It is often seen that they are fond of burgers, pizzas, chips and coke.These types of foods are easily available to them in school canteens and making them obese. So this problem can be solved by teaching children to choose another healthy foods such as plant-based foods like grains, fruits and vegetables and banning junk foods and fizzy drinks in schools. Moreover, parents should spend time to prepare healthy meals for their own family.

The second cause of obesity is inactive lifestyle. It is true that people’s physical activities have been changed due to the development of technological activities. Instead of playing outdoor sports or doing exercise in the gymnasium, people prefer to spend their time on computer games or chatting on internet. As result the amount of redundant energy that they had consumed will easily transfer into fat. This issue can be solved by encouraging them to do more physical exercises even in working time. For children, parents can take them to park to encourage playing with friends. Furthermore, schools can add sports in their curriculum to maintain physical fitness in their students.

To conclude, although the problem of obesity is alarming in around the world, there are still effective ways to deal with like some solutions above. As long as people have to seriously maintain their healthy diet and spend more time for physical activities.


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3 Answers

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In morden life, the problem of obesity upsurges day by day. Rate of overweight children and adult is increasingly which is a major issue in some countries, especially developed-countries. There are various reasons behind it but in this essay I will try to sum up it into some main causes and give particular way to deal with each reason.

The first reason is diet, people tend to eat more junk foods that contain high level of calories, trans-fat and oil because they have not enough time to prepare themselves a healthy meal in such a hurried society. Certainly, children also have the same meals with their parents. It is often seen that they are fond of burgers, pizzas, chips and coke.These types of foods are easily available to them in school canteens and making them obese. So this problem can be solved by teaching children to choose another healthy foods such as plant-based foods like grains, fruits and vegetables and banning junk foods and fizzy drinks in schools. Moreover, parents should spend time to prepare healthy meals for their own family.

The second cause of obesity is inactive lifestyle. It is true that people’s physical activities have been changed due to the development of technological activities. Instead of playing outdoor sports or doing exercise in the gymnasium, people prefer to spend their time on computer games or chatting on internet. As result the amount of redundant energy that they had consumed will easily transfer into fat. This issue can be solved by encouraging them to do more physical exercises even in working time. For children, parents can encourage their children to engage some social activites with their friends. Furthermore, schools can add sports in their curriculum to maintain physical fitness in their students.

In conclusion, although the problem of obesity is alarming in around the world, there are still effective ways to deal with like some solutions above. As long as people have to seriously maintain their healthy diet and spend more time for physical activities. 

7 points
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In modern society, a majority of nations have been in trouble with an increasing number of overweigh residents. There are several reasons for this problem, and various measures can be taken by governments and individuals to improve this situation.

Above all, unhealthy diet and lifestyle are two main reasons for obesity. In fact, while a quantity of fast food outlets have been rising significantly; young adults and children are fond of eating these junk foods attributed to its convenience and low price. Besides that, a recent consumer research proves that semi-prepared foods such as frozen pizzas, chips and nuggets which require a high volume of oil in cooking process could be easily found in most of daily meals. This is due to a fact that parents do not have enough time to prepare for healthy meals during weekdays owing to disappearance of work-life balance. Furthermore, 80% of schoolboys prefer sitting at home and playing computer games than playing outdoor sports as they believe that there is less risk of being injured involved in staying at home.

From what has been discussed above, it is strongly recommend that government should legislate to limit unhealthy foods consumption, and what is more, all food advertisements targeting children should be banned. Sport activities have to be promoted in school curriculum to encourage pupils to do physical exercises. Last but not least, parents need to reduce their working hours for the purpose of spending more time on cooking heathy dishes for their families.

In conclusion, the problem of obesity is only improved if people become more physically active and start to eat more healthily.
15 points
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In modern life, the problem of obesity upsurges day by day as an increasing number of overweight children and adults are a major issue in developed-countries. The following essay will examine some main causes and give particular way to tackle each reason.

The first reason for poor health is unhealthy diet. People tend to eat more junk foods that contain a high level of calories, trans-fat and oil, because they have not enough time to prepare themselves a healthy meal in such a hurried society. It is common that children are fond of burgers, pizzas, chips and coke. These types of foods are available in school canteens and make the youngsters obese. Furthermore, this problem can be solved by teaching children to choose better foods such as plant-based foods like grains, fruits and vegetables, and banning junk foods and fizzy drinks in schools. Moreover, parents should spend more time to prepare healthy meals for their own family.

The second cause of obesity is inactive lifestyle. It is true that people’s physical activities have decelerated due to the popularity of technological activities. Instead of playing outdoor sports or doing exercise in the gymnasium, people prefer to spend their time on computer games or chatting on internet. As a result, the amount of redundant energy that they had consumed will transfer into fat. Regular exercise is the key to encounter overweight issue. For children, parents should take them to parks to engage in outdoor activities. Furthermore, physical sports need to be promoted in school curriculum to improve health conditions of pupils.

To conclude, although the problem of obesity is alarming in parts of developed world, people have to seriously maintain their healthy diet and spend more time for physical activities.


I think you have very good ideas in this topic. However, you seem to go around and around, which makes your paragraph looks stringy. There are several mistakes on THE/A which I recommend you to practice more on it.
15 points

1 comment

thank a lot! I'll try to shorten it

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