These days, in many countries, fewer and fewer want to become teachers, particularly in secondary school. What are the reason for this and how could the problem be solved?
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These days, in many countries, fewer and fewer want to become teachers, particularly in secondary school. What are the reason for this and how could the problem be solved?

 Teaching has traditionally been one of the world's most respectable professions. However, there are fewer people who want to become secondary school teachers, and this is one of the most widely discussed issues among government officials and the general public. The essay will explore possible causes for the interest of fewer people in this profession and propose some solutions.

 To begin with, there are two main following causes leading to the fact the fewer people are into becoming teachers. One of the prominent reasons concerning this problem is a financial problem. This is because teachers' salaries are quite low compared to other occupations. In Vietnam, the wages of teachers have slightly increased with professions such as engineers or lawyers having a greater wage, which led to the fact that many teachers working part-time, worse than some teachers who quit their job. As a consequence, teacher salaries are considered as the key cause of the decrease in the number of secondary school teachers. Another factor leading to this situation is the volume of work. This means that teachers frequently work long hours, which has a negative impact on their health and quality of life, and they do not have enough time to spend with their families. For instance, my mother who has been a teacher for 20 years, usually finished her workday around midnight to marking and reviewing students' exams and designing teaching scripts for the following day. As a result, teaching has not been an appealing job to the general public in recent decades.

As a sequence, some specific solutions should be established to solve the aforementioned issues increasing teachers' salaries is highly recommended. The government should raise teacher salaries and implement policies to help students studying pedagogy, which encourages an increasing number of young people to pursue a teaching career. It is the responsibility of the government to reduce the burden of duties on teachers by appointing more teaching assistants and limiting the number of working hours per week. As a result, teachers' mental and time pressures are reduced, and their teaching quality improves. Furthermore, the government should encourage the organization of activities for the collective of teachers and their students in order to bridge the gap between teachers and students and create a welcoming learning environment.

In conclusion, there are a variety of reasons why teaching has become a much less popular job in many countries, including financial issues and a high volume of work. Nonetheless, it can be resolved once solutions that attract talented young people who could help in education are imperatively included. My view is that the primary duty for resolving the issue falls with the state's teacher policy .

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