Topic: The life has so much difficult and it also depends on work.But some people think that work is not so necessary.
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Topic: The life has so much difficult and it also depends on work.But some people think that work is not so necessary.

·        To what extent do you agree or disagree?

·        Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience


In today’s world,the nation which is being developed strongly.The people will need to think about how to reach that level of our country as well.However, one of the most special key to success that is our conation.Personally,I believe that having a good job can play a definite role in complex society.

First and foremost,there is no cast doubt on people’s job that they should pour more heart and soul into their passionate work.Indeed,everyone is impossible until someone did it.Rogger Bannister's proudest achievement,for example,broke the four-minute mile in a foot race and no one think that they are able enough to do like what he did.Consequently,he had some greatest success namely a distinguished neurologist and Master of Pembroke College,Oxford as well as became an English former middle-distance athlete.

That hard work and good appearance are one of the essential parts in achieving whatever we want.Obviously,in a modern world,all of us have to obtain a job but they do not mind that we are actually interested in it.In one word,if people want to look for an amazing job which they can complete it perfectly,everything will be much easier to get the opportunity to set up their own business or being well-known in community.For instance,at work,apart from a good personal appearance and great skills,we ought to become a self-expert and understanding ourselves because if we do not know what we are looking for,we will never find it.In reality,we eat to live and live to make our dream comes true.

On the other hand,this change could be detrimental in terms of true life.Working for a company and getting high salary are not very easy to do them at the same time.Money has so much power,using for purchasing the food and other important things.If we live without money,we will feel a bit shy with our friends and can not cope with the difficulties would serve as an excellent example.People make money from their job but  money never makes the people.Maybe it brings us a lot of happiness just in the short time.And the thing that can exist with us forever which is family.Money is not the best and so many unvaluable things are always surround us.

All things considered,I tend to believe that success in life are based on a lot of factors.While job and passionate are really necessary to get higher achievement,money facilitates us to deal with problems especially in competitive environment.



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1 Answer

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0 votes
the nation which is being developed strongly->the nation which is strongly developing

the people-> people


hard work-> hard working

understanding ourselves-> understand ourselves

make our dreams comes true-> make our dreams come true

which is family-> is family

money is not the best...and... surrounds us?

some noun needs changing into plu noun or plusing article
11 points

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