art classes, such as paiting and drawing, are as improtant for children's development as other subjects, so it should be compulsory in high school.agree or disagree
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Art is truel playing an important role in children's development. However, I would not support the idea of turning it into a inoptional subject in high school, though it has many benefits that we could not deny.

In nusery school, children are taught to draw and paint, which is a useful lesson. Art helps buid up creativity and a way to expressing onself. For instant, it is the norm for a bear to be black, white or bown, but through children's mind, the bear can be pink or orange. It is evident that such creature does not esist and somehow children have imagined it out. Morever, their painting could tell us some informations about them. Children draw what they see,think and feel everyday, even their wish for the fulture. Therfore, it is one of the effective ways for parent to understand them.

In the other hand, art is not a way to better knowledges. Math and Literature pique children's ability to communicate and develope intelligent, something that art can not do. It is a natural gift, which can not be impoved by practicing. Compared with other subject at school, it doesn't elevate children's basic skill to help solve problem in the fulture life.

In conclusion, art is a helpful tool for school and families in raising children. But we also have to consider more about its limitted aid.
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