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 Topic: The threat of nuclear weapons maintains world peace. Nuclear power provides

cheap and clean energy.
The benefits of nuclear technology far outweigh the disadvantages.
Do you agree or disagree?
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     Nuclear technology, a new technology that many countries around the world are considering about it’s effects. In fact, we know that the threat of nuclear weapons preserve world peace and nuclear power bring us cheap and clean energy resource. In my view, this technology will become significant increasingly because it bring a variety of enormous advantages in our life, while the disadvantages is really light.

     Firstly, the strong damage ability of nuclear energy can protest terrorisms or conflicts in the world. For instance, in the Second World war, America dropped atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The two bombings killed hundred of thousands of people and it was a warning to any countries which want to cause the war. It’s really necessary for sustaining peace on the Earth.

     Secondly, using nuclear power is one of the ways to protect environment. Machines, automobiles, or any electrical equipments, that we are using frequently, make a huge smoke and dust from fossil fuel like oil or gas. This has affected on the ecological balance of nature and is leading to pollution and global warming. In contrast, nuclear power is a clean energy as it does not relieve smoke or dirt into atmosphere. Moreover, we can save a large number of natural resources which are running out. Using electrical energy from nuclear is cheaper than coal or water because only a tiny amount of nuclear can generate an enormous energy. This will encourage people use more electrical energy for transportations or factories. Therefore , nuclear power is really more environmental friendly than others.

     In conclusion, the benefits of nuclear technology are very considerable and it is essential to the world peace. We need promote developing this faculty, especially in education.



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