ielts task 2: Nowadays food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way people live?
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Over a few decades, humanbeings experience unprecedented volution in various fields, which, in turn, drives the life more managable.  Food preparation at home has become easier thanks to the ever-growing invention in technology and the rapidly accumulated knowledge of humans.To my view point, the returns are highly justifiable.

On one hand, less kitchen times appear to provide peole with better opportunites to utilize this time in other tasks such as working tasks, entertainment and spending time with family and friends. In fact, the growing time mainly focused on these necessities has progressed, pushing out a part of hustle ; therefore; people gradually satisfy a more relaxing and productive life. Such progresiveness  will enormously help individuals not only balance the time with work and rapports, but it also allow them to amuse for themselves. Besides,  food prepartion with ease raises the chance for eat lovers to taste different kinds of dishes in a meal. People quickly comforts with their favours and absorbs in the deliciousness just after few minutes. Spending less time in the kitchen and more time relaxing around the dinner table is , without doubt, a fabulous feeling that trigger everyone. In this sense, the quality of life leaps in a modern and happy way.

On the other hand, human must handle some drawbacks  from the uncomplicated food procession. As a matter of fact,  the radiation stems from microwave or other machines pose  serious health- related diseases, ranging from cell damage, cancer and an underlying death. The long-term exposure to it inevitably  leads human health at risk, even causing  dementia, depression, and severe neurological diseases. Moreover, food items  are not totally natural anymore if processed  through many technological machines. In a whole, the ease from food preparation is not always exceptional

In a nutshell, despite several certain disadvantages in health and food flavours, the advantages is still predominant. Easy food preparation has been a plausible alternative which partly satisfy everyone for its significant benefits.

(326 words)
4 points

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2 Answers

1 vote
1 vote
Task achievement: Good idea for thesis statement. Topic sentence should not be divided like that.Sufficient supporting ideas, well expressed.

Coherrence: Logical supporting ideas. Wide range of linking devices.

Vocabulary & structure: Wide range of vocabulary and flexible structures. You have made great effort of paraphrasing words.

Grammar: you should check ur writing more carefully. " to my viewpoint", not " to my view poin". We don't have any structure like "drive sth+adj", I supposed.
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Bài làm còn nhiều lỗi sử dụng GIỚI TỪ, CHIA ĐỘNG TỪ, như:

amuse for themselves

a fabulous feeling that trigger everyone

Easy food preparation has been a plausible alternative which partly satisfy everyone


Một số câu không liên quan tới nội dung bài như:

Besides,  food prepartion with ease raises the chance for eat lovers to taste different kinds of dishes in a meal.


Một số cách diễn đạt đúng ngữ pháp, sáng tạo, thì lại đi theo hướng sai với common expressions trong tiếng Anh:

the quality of life leaps in a modern and happy way


TỔNG KẾT: Bài viết dù có nhiều cố gắng sử dụng từ vựng ngữ pháp tốt, nhưng vẫn ở range 6.0.



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