to improve the quality of education,student should be encouraged to evaluate their teachers but other think it will result in loss of respect and discipline in classroom. What is your opinion?
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Some people believe that to ensure the high quality of education, student should be encouraged to evaluate their teachers after each course while others claim that it would lead to disappearance of respect and discipline. I entirely agree with the former idea for the following reason.

To begin with advocates of student assessments have their own sound reasons. First of all, it is beneficial for them in enriching their performances. Obviously, by listening to the students’ constructive suggestions, it might allow teachers to know the expectation of students clearly and adjust their teaching methods to satisfy them. Secondly, giving comment on teacher’s performances is an effective way to help student thinking in their own ways independently. Indeed, if the student should be encouraged to make comment their teachers, they will have more independent to address the difficulties in the future. Finally, it is also a vital contributing factor for equal education. Individuals have the right role to show their suggestions, discuss together to achieve the best goal.

Despite these attractions, however, some drawbacks do exist in student assessments. In comparison with their teachers, students are more likely to be young, not sufficient knowledge in academic fields. They might find it difficult to evaluate teacher’s performances. Moreover, if all students have the right role to assess their teachers, it would lead to the loss of discipline . In deed, there are some students have a negative attitude in giving their opinions leading to hardly manage classroom.

All things considered, student assessments bring a number of upside and downsides. What count is that we weigh up carefully to rape benefits and not disadvantages.
6 points

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Đây là góp ý của mình :D

for the following reason. => for the following reasons.

To begin with => To begin with,

in enriching their performances. => to enrich their performances

comment => comments

thinking => think

if the student should be encouraged to make comment their teachers => if the students are encouraged to comment on their teachers

they will have more => they will be more

Individuals have the right role to show their suggestions, discuss together to achieve the best goal. => Individuals have the right to show their suggestions and discuss together to achieve the best goal.

not sufficient knowledge => not having sufficient knowledge

there are some students have a negative attitude in giving their opinions leading to hardly manage classroom. => there are some students who have a negative attitude towards giving their opinions, leading to hardly manage classroom.

Đoạn kết bài của bạn mình thấy không ổn lắm.

41 points

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cám ơn bạn đã góp ý.
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Day la gop y cua minh:

for the following reason --> because of reasons below.

their own sound reasons ---> their understandable reasons

know the expectation of students --> understand the expectation of students

to satisfy them ---> in order to satisfy them

giving comment on teacher’s performances ----> comments given on a teacher’s performance

for equal education ---> for an equal education system

Ngoai ra con 1 so loi nho khong dang ke.
32 points

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thanks bạn rất nhiều

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