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The chart illustrates the spending on 6 consumer goods of four European countries namely Germany , Italy , France , Britain

From the chart , it is clearly that Britain was stay at the first rank of all six goods while Germany nearly stand at the last situation but in some items like tennis racquets and perfumes , it passed France to stay at the third place . Besides , the spending of photographic film in Britain was the biggest number in the whole chart

The figures of the chart demonstrate the highest spending belonged to Britain with just over 170 thousand pounds in photographic film whereas Germany spent less than 150 thousand pounds with the same items and in toys selling , this trend was still continued : the highest selling belonged to Britain (170 thousand pounds ) and the lowest was Germany ( 150 thousand pounds ) . In other industry the trend had been changed but not too much , except for Britain , three other countries have been nearly the same from 142 thousand pounds to 158 thousand pounds .
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2 Answers

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The given chart illustrates the spending(s) on 6 consumer goods of four European countries namely Germany , Italy , France , Britain.

From the chart , it is clearly that Britain was stay at the first rank of all six goods while Germany nearly stand at the last situation held the lowest position. However, but in some items like tennis racquets and perfumes , its expenditure on some items such as tennis rackets and perfumes passed (outnumbered) France to stay at the third place . Besides , the spending of photographic film in Britain was the biggest number in the whole chart British people spent the largest sum of money on photographic film.

Repetition: The figures of the chart demonstrate the highest spending belonged to Britain with just over 170 thousand pounds in photographic film whereas Germany spent less (???) than 150 thousand pounds with the same items and in toys selling , this trend was still continued : the highest selling belonged to Britain (170 thousand pounds ) and the lowest was Germany ( 150 thousand pounds ) . In other industry the trend had been changed but not too much , except for Britain , three other countries have been nearly the same from 142 thousand pounds to 158 thousand pounds .


Poor organization.

Frequent repetition, a limited range of vocabulary.

Good comparision. Lack of overall trend.

Band score: 5.5

17 points

1 comment

thank you so much for your feedback but I still have some confusings about what I should do if I have to repeat the firgures over and over again , i don't want to make a boring writing :v
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From the chart , it is clearly that Britain was stay at the first rank across all the goods while Germany nearly stand at the last situation was the last. However, in terms of other items like tennis racquets and perfumes , it passed France to stay at the third place with (how much higher). Besides, the spending of photographic film in Britain was the biggest number in the whole chart


11 points

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