Tourism is a modern form of colonialism.It distorts local economies, causes environmental damage and ruins the places it exploits. To what extent would you support or reject this idea?
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Tourism is significantly expanding and developing in all the corner of the world. Some people claims that tourism is devastating places where it passes through, it is dangerous for the environment and cause local economic problems. I partly agree with the above idea for the following reasons.

First, it is undeniable that tourism is accounting for a large portion of local economic. With the strong developing in recent years, tourism is gradually replacing other industries. Governments invest much money on tourism and abandon remain domains. Some statistics have shown that almost  governments’ budget is invest on tourism, while other domains are in shortage of investment. As a result of this policy, economy become crisis. However, by dint of the development of tourism, governments and citizens have more chance to gain profit. After the emergence of tourism in local areas, other services such as hotel, restaurant and resort… is dramatically developed and attract more tourists.

Second, no sooner does tourism boom all over the world than environment is seriously destroyed. With the increasing of tourism, the number of tourists is also to become more and more and it has an negative effect on local environment and ecology. For example, Hoi An and Nha Trang have been beautiful place with fresh air and clear, but now it is polluted of domestic waste by visitors. Nevertheless, this  phenomenon is a warning to governments remind them that they must take responsibility for this issue. When they perceived this issue they will take policies to prevent it.

To conclude, the development of tourism has pros and cons so our duty is to help its developing balance and benefit for other sectors.
17 points

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2 Answers

1 vote
1 vote
1. cause => causes

2. economic => economy

3. theo mình developing nên thay bằng development

4. invest=> invested

5. become crisis nên thay bằng suffer crisis

6. arde dramatically developed

7. câu cuối, sau help ko + Ving mà + to V hoặc giữ nguyên
35 points
0 votes
0 votes
Đoạn 1 ý của bạn khá lộn xộn. Không rõ bạn support hay reject lập luận của đề bài.

Đoạn 2: Thay vì dùng câu đảo ngữ, bạn nên tập viết các câu phức, tổ chức lại ý, chú ý dùng từ vựng sát nghĩa và đa dạng hơn.
31 points

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