Đề thi IELTS - 08/11/2014 - Some people believe that a crime is a result of social problems and poverty...
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Topic IELTS của tuần này 08/11/2014:

Some people believe that a crime is a result of social problems and poverty, others think that crime is a result of bad person's nature. Discuss and give your opinion.


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7 Answers

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Nowadays, more and more grave criminal issues are becoming prevelently around the world. While a number of people claim the root cause as a consequence of social poverty, many of others think that it is the natural bahavior of individual. From my point of view, I believe that both of above ideas are likely the reasons of this problem.

It is easy to undertand some opinions, which consider crime is the result of the social problems and porverty. The close relationship between poverty and quality of education can help to explain the fact that criminal pace in developing countries tend to be much more higher than the developed ones. Young people likely to take illegality if they have imperfect perceptions, which originate to the poor education, about the threats and consequences of crime. Moreover, the limitation in legal regulations and government's management in poor societies can not help to handle the increasing of criminal problems. Financial situations do not allow these governments to use advanced implements such as: heavy fine, reeducation criminals, ect... Finally, I think that innocent people tend to highly take illegal acts if they usually have to contact with social problems.

Beside that, the bad personal characteristic considerably affect to his or her criminal actions. For example, I could never forget a horror article about two criminals who were still very young in their ages. They kidnapped and killed a baby without any hesitation. The judges have claimed that those boys were natural criminals and decided to separate them far from the society. It is clear that the similar cases are getting popular in our societies and becoming the serious signals for the whole world. 

In conclusion, I could argue that the increasing of crime is the consequence of both social influence as well as the invidual factor.

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As the fact proves that the more social problems and poverty, the higher numbers of crime there are. However, we cannot blame crime for external factors such as: unemployment, economic crisis, or poverty. In fact, there are a number of reasons for believing that criminal action is stem from inside person’s nature.

The first reason is that people in any status should take criminal resposibility. Actually, for special ones who live under living standards or those who are disable, the government has taken the interests of them into account by such policies as: unemployment benefits, homeless benefits, education grant, or retirement support. Therefore, poverty is just an excuse; people always have many choices for survival instead of committing a crime.

Another reason human nature is likely held accountable for crime is the increase in the number of intelligent criminal cases. In many developed countries, for instance, crime rate is still on the rise, in which crime committers are recognised wealthy status and even degree holders. Indeed, these cases are more dangerous and make greater loss for the society than it does in poorer countries. Consequently, it is human nature, not the society, is the strigger of the crime.

In summary, social factors are some extent affecting to the crime rate; however, the outweighted cause is still the inside-person factor. We can actually exercise control over our situation at some instance; therefore it is unreasonable to blame criminal activities for social factors.
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Không biết mình viết thế này có được không :) . Các bạn xem qua, cho mình biết mình được khoảng mấy điểm luôn nhé! :D Thanks :D

A Result Of Social Problems


Although it is believed that criminals are outcomes of people's innate character, I strongly believe that they are results of social problems.

First of all, problems such as poverty or murder usually make people come to a bad end. No one wants to become a criminal but their circumstances force them to be. For instance, some poor people steal other's proverty because they do not have anything to live by. The financial crisis also disable them to get an appropriate job. Moreover, the more criminals there are, the more threats to security. Consequently, poor security will lead to more crime.

Nevertheless, it is said that nature character is the cause for crime. There are some cases this is true, however, a person's character is usually affected by their surrounding environment as well as their education. If it is peaceful and friendly around them, there is a good chance that they will be the same. Therefore, keeping a problem-free environment is likely to stop them from being a criminal.

In conclusion, preventing issues in the society is the best way to decrease crime rate and building a better community.

68 points

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In my opinion, crime is also a disease. Although many people are very rich, they still steal some things which they can pay themselves. This is a addiction steal syndrome. In this case, we cannot speak that criminal is a result of social problem.
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It is true that crime is the most serious social issue nowadays. While it can be argued that it is a result of the nature of rotten people, I believe that the poverty and social problems are the most likely cause of crime.

There are several circumstances explain why crime may proceed from the innate qualities of offenders. At first, one of the human essences is cruelty which may be on excessive levels in certain individuals. These people have more tendency to perform brutal actions than others, resulting in that the likelihood to commit crimes for them is much higher. The statement of serial killers that it is pleasant when they witness the death of their fellow-creature is a typical example. In addition, those who are mentally disturbed are likely to become the most dangerous offenders. Their motives of vicious actions is not quite definite. It can originate from disembodied voices, which prompt them to damage others, in their head.

Despite above argument, I believe that a crime might be caused by social problems and poverty. Firstly, poverty is the environment which compels disadvantaged people to perform evil actions. For example, once basic demand such as food or safe refuge cannot be fulfilled by reason of financial struggles, law will not have adequate power to deter people from implementing illegal activities to sustain their life. Secondly, inequality, which is a noticeable social phenomenon, provokes resentment in those treated unfair; therefore, disruptive behavior or participating in rebels, which is responsible for adverse consequences to society, is regarded as a way to respond to unfairness they received and also an approach to relieve their resentment.

In conclusion, in some extreme circumstances, the nature of bad person causes crime may be accurate; but in most cases, social issues are more likely to be the causes.
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It is true that lawbreaking has become a huge problem for society. While it can be argued that transgression is the outcome of people's innate. I believe that offense is the aftermath of poor living conditions and social issue. The reasons for my position are as follows.
There are several reasons why some people think crime is the product of bad manner. Firstly, they think that natural law has create this type of people, so this situation is inevitable and it should be accepted in our society. In addition, it could be said that those who easily provoked by some agents like the other's appearance or voice could be the root for causing violent attack. After all, their motives of vicious actions are not quite defined, it could originate from disembodied voices, which prompt them to damage others.
Despite above arguments, I believe that serious crime is the consequence of unacceptable living conditions and social issue. At first, poverty is usually the root for offenders to do prohibited actions. For example, a short survey of homeless people in Hanoi indicates that 70% of people could become thieves to overcome the financial burden. Furthermore, the legislation system is not strong enough to deter lawbreaker to do severe actions which are mostly harmful for the society. For instance, a report by police shows that, in Vietnam, 80% of criminal could violate the law deliberately because they know how to act correctly to avoid being jailed.
In conclusion, in some extreme circumstances, the nature of bad person causes crime may be accurate; but in most cases, social issues are more likely to be the causes.


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People have different views about the reasons why criminals commit crimes. Although there are many people who consider that a crime is a effect of person's inborn evil, I personally believe that society issues due to unlawful actions of people.

On the one hand, there are several reasons why committing crime could be seen as a behavior of bad person's nature. Almost people born with a good nature, however some rarely cases happen with people having nerve problem. Because they are insane people, they have some actions without thinking; it may easily lead to serious consequences in the future. They want to witness some violent or bloodshed actions and breaking the law or committing crime could make them satisfied.

Despite the above arguments, I believe that social problems and poverty make them having some unlawful actions. Firstly, many people live in poor situation so they do not have inadequate money to survive; as a result, they would likely to become a shoplifting or even a burglar. Secondly, the illiteracy could make people to become criminal; with the lack of education from school, people might not have knowledge to discern between good and bad. Finally, the management from family also plays an essential role. For instance, if parents were too busy in working and did not have time for their kids, they would be out of control from them and involved in gang.

In conclusion, some people believe that crime is a result of innate bad person, while others argue that the society problems cause the committing crime of people. Personally, I am in favor with the later opinion.

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in many parts of the world, the rate of lack of education and poverty are noticealby high, the demand for job of people has not been responding and children haven’t been going to school, they must go out to earn. Of course, lack of knowledge prenvents them from making money, or very difficult, hard working, but the imcome isn’t able to pay for daily fees, for their children, for their parents…more and more. In their mind, is earning earning and more, by anyway. And in my point of view, maybe lack of education and job are the reason lead to crime.

No one want to be a offender, I think so. In the initial time, they think that the violention is only once or twice to get enough necessary amount of money,and giving myself an exeption favor, but in the reality,  the number of people can return aren’t much, there no sign of stopping, maybe they have engaged  the guilty path. Once a thief always a thief.

It is nescessary for the government to improve education system and focused on economy, there would be much less poverty and crime, I believe that is a best measure.
7 points

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