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Writing assignment week 12:



          In the last Friday, we discussed the topic happiness. We shared many different ideas. My friends told that happiness was  the feelings of satisfaction, people always look at positive sides. Other friend said that happiness have three level including leisure, intense and joy. However, the definition of happiness is different from other people. Besides, my friend said that happiness was the feelings of satisfaction when people were  in love and freedom with much money and respected by others. Another opinion was that happiness was the situation of a good health and inner peace.

          However, I believe in the Mr. Binh's definition, the most completed explanation of the meaning of happiness. His view is that happiness is the special feelings of human beings when they can achieve their genuine aspiration, be respected and useful to others. We all agreed with his clarification. That definition was considered to  be the most interesting and perfect way to define happiness.

          To continue the lesson, Mr. Binh asked some of my friends whether she was a happy people. The first one shared she was not happy because of her disappointed results and being looked down on by her friends. Teacher remarked that she was a very mean person. The next one said she was happy with her present life because she is useful, respected by others and also gain her goal in studying.

          In conclusion, the lesson about happiness was valuable and practical. Thanks to the lesson, We have gained through learning or experience the information as well as English skills.

16 points

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Other friend friends said that happiness have has three level levels including leisure, intense (adj) and joy.


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Many thanks, :DD

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