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While a number of people believe that economic development is the only solution to the global problem of hunger and poverty, the others often said that because of the growing of economy have detrimental effects on the environment, it must be ended. This essay will discuss both views of this point and give my opinion.


On the one hand, there are several benefits of the growth of the economy brought include hunger and poverty. First, when the economic growth means higher living standard. It leads to increase incomes and lift people out of extreme poverty. Also, economic growth may bring advanced tax incomes for the government. Because of this, the treasury of the government will increase means they have to allocate resources to many areas that may resolve social issues such as public welfare, social service, health care free.


On the other hand, economic growth never separated from environmental issues. Firstly, the rapid growth of production and consumption may create pollution issues such as sound and air and water pollution. For instance, the more and more industrial companies, the more waste toxic chemical are discharged into rivers. In addition, with increasing of environmental damage bring negative effects on the quality of human life. For example, when the atmosphere is contaminated, the health of people in that area will be affected.


In conclusion, although economic development might bring several benefits to solve hunger and poverty issues, it seems to me that the costs of economic growth on the environment are also high.


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While a number of   some people believe that economic development is the only solution to the global problem of hunger and poverty, the others often said that because of the growing growth of the  economy have has detrimental effects on the environment, it must be ended. This essay will discuss both views of this point and give my opinion.

On the one hand, there are several benefits of the growth of the economy brought include hunger and poverty. First, when the economic growth means higher living standards. It leads to increase incomes and lift people out of extreme poverty. Also, economic growth may bring advanced tax incomes for the government. Because of this, the treasury of the government will increase means they have to allocate resources to many areas that may resolve social issues such as public welfare, social service, health care free.

On the other hand, economic growth never separated from environmental issues. Firstly, the rapid growth of production and consumption may create pollution issues such as sound and air and water pollution. For instance, the more and more industrial companies, the more waste toxic chemical are discharged into rivers. In addition, with increasing of environmental damage bring negative effects on the quality of human life. For example, when the atmosphere is contaminated, the health of people in that area will be affected.

In conclusion, although economic development might bring several benefits to solve hunger and poverty issues, it seems to me that the costs of economic growth on the environment are also high.

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