Đề thi IELTS - 01/11/2014 - It is better to be unemployed in jobs rather than to be employed in jobs even if they don't feel happy...
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Topic IELTS của tuần này 01/11/2014:

It is better to be unemployed in jobs rather than to be employed in jobs even if they don't feel happy or enjoy. Do you agree or disagree?


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Tuần mới vui vẻ nhé :3


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117 points

7 Answers

5 votes
5 votes
Many young people nowadays claim that if we find no pleasure following a career, we should instantly give up and stay out of the labor force temporarily rather than remain in that position. From my personal point of view, I agree with this opinion.

It is true that although having a discontent job can bring us some benefits, at least some money to make ends meet, its costs are much higher. On one hand, continually doing something we do not like affects our working attitude. No one wants to devote all his heart to a job that he hates, which results in not only below-standard working quality but also bad mental health. Moreover, keeping doing a job we do not like may prevent us from opportunities that our beloved careers offer. For example, if you accidentally find a job that you like and want to change post instantly, but the law says that you have to notice the human resource manager one month in advance, the golden chance may pass by right in front of your face.

On the other hand, being unemployed temporarily may bring about chances to do some amazing things that can even change your life. One high school friend of mine provides an attractive story about his life as an example. Taking up a post as a boring officer after graduating, it took him 3 months to decide to quit, and started to learn photography, which he had always been loving since he was a kid. He spent all his savings buying a DSLR camera, registered photography courses, became a freelancer and spent time travelling, taking pictures of beautiful sceneries. Until now, he got some local and international prizes for his creative works, and became a full-time photographer for a big studio in Asia.

In conclusion, I do believe that our dreams are the things that we should always follow, even when the roads may be tougher and riskier than usual. As we all know, the higher risk, the higher return as well.
37 points


Good morning  mr_z8t, thank you for the contribution to the topic. By looking at your points (21). I can see that you also actively participated in commenting other essays, which is a really good way of improving writing for other members. I hope we can keep this mood of studying for long time *).
For your essay, I would like to comment it as following
- It is true that although having a discontent job can bring us some benefits, at least some money to make ends meet, its costs are much higher. --> this sentence needs restructured.
---> Admittedly, a discontented job can bring us some benefits such as some money for a living. However, its costs are much higher compared to the benefits.
- On one hand, continually doing something we do not like affects our working attitude ---> On one hand, it is likely that the working attitude is negatively affected if we have to do the job that we do not like.
-  Taking up a post as a boring officer after graduating, it took him 3 months to decide to quit, and started to learn photography, which he had always been loving since he was a kid.
---> it is a bit not formal if you start the sentence with a V-ing, in academic English, we should avoid using the V-ing to start a sentence. Besides, the sentence "it took......, and started to learn ...." I think you might forget the object for "started to learn photography". I suggest changing as following
- After graduation, he got accepted to become an officer. However, the job was so boring that he decided to quit after three months and started to learn photography; which he had been always dreaming of since he was a kid.
-He spent all his savings buying a DSLR camera, registered photography courses, became a freelancer and spent time travelling, taking pictures of beautiful sceneries. --> There is  grammatical mistakes. Grammar: you are using a parallel phrase here: He spent....., registered......, became......., "taking" -->took
- Until now, he got..... --> until now, he has gotten/achieved/ awarded.

In general, your essay has strong points of supporting and also a good example. There is not much to worry about ideas. I think you might need to pay more attention for grammars, just a bit of fixing will make the essay look more decent
Andy Duong
you shouldn't use "nowadays" word, may replace " recent years" . a native person dont like using " nowadays " word in  an essay
Thanks for your comment. Actually I did not know that we should not use "nowadays" in IELTS essays :-s
Thank you andyduong for your comment :D I have to admit that grammar is not my strong point and I will try paying more attention. I almost agree with your ideas, but at this point "He spent all his savings buying a DSLR camera, registered photography courses, became a freelancer and spent time travelling, taking pictures of beautiful sceneries." actually I mean "he spent time travelling and taking pictures". Is this grammatically right :-?
1 vote
1 vote

Occupation has been a vital part of human life for thousands of years . Working keeps us alive and improves social development . Although some individuals agree that jobless is more satisfied than having a unsuitable career  I believe that we must have a job because of our life and society .

 Money is vary important for all people and career helps to live throught earning money . Maybe someone studied a major and they can not find a job that they have learned at university . However , they also need a word to paid the daily cost , especially the living cost and food . For instance , my older brother , Nguyen is working for a food company although he has an engineer certificate .  He told me that he did not prefer his work but it was better than being out of work. He has a family with two children so he has to accept the unsuitable job . This is one of two important reasons why I choose being employed in  inapplicable jobs .

Society always need employees . It is true that if you are not as well as others to be accepted suitatble job , you should find an another work instead of being at home . It helps society more than the jobless . Unemployed in jobs creates many social problems like homeless or being a burden to family . My country had over a million people that being out of work and it made the development slower . My father also told me that he is successful in bussiness eventhough he graduated from a technology school . He wanted to take care of his family , earn money by himself . Finally he found some special abilities in bussiness . 

In conclusion , work has great effects on our life and society . Therefore , I strongly believe that we should have a career even unsuitable work


21 points


Trong bài mình thấy bạn sử dụng "you" hơi nhiều. writing không nên sử dụng các từ này: "you", "we" mà phải thay là people, they,... vì các từ kia mang nghĩa riêng biệt của một cá nhân nào đó, còn bài luận thì nói đến vấn đề chung nên không nên dùng các từ này. Thầy giáo mình và các thầy chấm thi IELTS cũng comments vậy!
Mình thấy các lập luận trong bài viết của bạn chưa được chăt chẽ cho lắm và còn nhiều lỗi chính tả, dấu câu. Sau đây là bài sửa của mình dựa tren ý của bạn ấy, mong mọi người góp ý thêm:

Occupation has been a vital part of human life for thousands of years . Working keeps us alive and improves our society. However, some individuals claim that jobless is more satisfied than having an unsuitable career. In my opinion, I believe that we should have a job because of our lives and society .

First of all, it is undeniable that money plays an important role in our lives. Everybody needs to make a living by working even if they don't like their jobs. In fact, you may end up working at jobs that have nothing to do with your major just because your responsibility with your family. For instance, my older brother Nguyen is working for a food company even though he had an engineer certificate. He told me that he did not prefer his work, yet he feels better than not working. Because he has a family with two children, he has no choice but accepting his unsuitable job.  Moreover, a job is necessary for people to cover their living expenses such as food, clothes, shelter,.. In some unexpected situations such as illness, funeral, wedding,.. you also need to spend quite a lot of money. Imagining how you can mange those things without working and saving. These are among reasons why I choose not to be unemployed.

Secondly, our society always needs the contribution of its citizens. Without it, the society can not develop. For example, there was a period that the unemployment rate was high in my country with a million of people were out of work, which made the development of the country getting slower. Some one might argue that thay can not find their dream jobs. That is fine, they can find a temporary job while continue looking for their favorite  jobs. It is better than staying at home and making no contribution at all. Furthermore, unemployment can create many social problems like homeless, drug addict, crime,..and burden for families.

In conclusion, jobs has made each of us a responsible and useful person. It also make  our life and society better. Therefore, I strongly believe that we should have a career even if it isn't like what we expect.
1 vote
1 vote
it is much better if employers can do their favorite jobs with fully satify. However, some people maintain that if there is no joy in working with current career, they should undoutbedly quit the job instead of remain in that boring position. Personally, I strongly disagree with the mentioned opinion.

It is obvious that employers need to work to fullfil as well as cover their cost of living. I still remember a scene in The Simpsons, Mr. Homer finally makes up his mind to make a hard decision - sacrifice his dream job at a bowling alley for the reason that the salary is not strong enough to support his family. As the consequence, to strengthen his financial strength, their is no choice for him but re-working the old job at the nuclear power plant just for his daughter's future.

In the other hand, to some extent, the national budget can be put under pressure of some unnecessary strains as being jobless. Instead of investing more money in some new projects, potential confrastructure or modern systems, goverments have to spend an enormous amount of fund to ensure their citizens' daily life, who may become a financial burden of the society or even hinder the national economy.

To sum up, in some cases, life may be harshed and cannot bright as we expected. That is why, sometimes people have to accept the truth that they should eating to live first and living to eat then.
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8 points


Mình có góp ý tí về bài viết:
- On the other hand --> Không phải "in"
- To sum up không nên dùng, cách đơn giản nhất là In conclusion. --> lúc đi học thầy cũng bảo có thể dùng sum up như thế này nhưng các giám khảo bảo không nên dùng!
tks b đã góp ý :)
mình thích bài viết này của bạn, tuy nhiên có một số lỗi ngữ pháp và từ vựng như:
it is much better if employees / people can do their favorite jobs with fully satify. However, some people maintain that if there is no joy in working with current career, they should undoutbedly quit the job instead of remaining in that boring position. Personally, I strongly disagree with the mentioned opinion.

It is obvious that employees / people need to work to fullfil as well as cover their cost of living. I still remember a scene in The Simpsons, Mr. Homer finally makes up his mind to make a hard decision - sacrifice his dream job at a bowling alley for the reason that the salary is not strong enough to support his family. As the consequence, to strengthen his financial strength, there is no choice for him but re-working the old job at the nuclear power plant just for his daughter's future.

On the other hand, to some extent, the national budget can be put under pressure of some unnecessary strains as being jobless. Instead of investing more money in some new projects, potential infrastructure or modern systems, goverments have to spend an enormous amount of fund ensuring their citizens' daily life, who may become a financial burden of the society or even hinder the national economy.

To sum up, in some cases, life may be harshed and cannot be bright as we expect. That is why, sometimes people have to accept the truth that they should eat to live first and live to eat then.
0 votes
0 votes
Hi guys, please have a look at my essay below and thank you for your contribution.

Over the recent years, many people are of the opinion that they rather be unemployed than be employed in the jobs that they do not feel happy. From my point of view, there are good arguments both for and against the statement and I believe that it depends on each personal favour.

To a certain extent I would agree that there are some benefits of being temporarily unemployed. First of all, it is very likely that the working attitude of employees is negatively effected when they do not enjoy the jobs. Once employees are not willing the make contribution at work, their working performance will decrease and this is a disaster to the business. For example, in the customer service industry where business has to deal face to face with customer in daily basic, lack of working motivation can cause employees to serve customer with inappropriate attitude and obviously the firm will lose its market share. Secondly, after stop working in the unfavourable jobs, people will have more time to think about their future and the area that they really want to be involved. In fact, it is evident that people are always more successful when they love thier jobs. The most famous DJ in the world: Armin Van Burren, could be a very good example. After graduated from university with a Law major, he decided to folow his dream of becoming a dance music producer instead of a lawyer, and he has made the right decision. He is the best in his area at the moment with million of dollars on revenue every year.

However, people who oppose this view would argue that since the costs of living have been increasing gradually, they would consider any available employment opportunity even though it is not in their favour. In reality, it is extremely hard to find a job after graduate, many recent graduate students have to do unpaid employments in order to ontain the necessary experiences. Therefore, those who are currently employed should aprreciate their jobs.

In conclusion, it is true that most successful people are those who enjoy their work, however, we also need to take into account the fact that we have to work to survive.
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7 points

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Bài viết của bạn thì khá smooth, tuy nhiên hơi chung chung. nó sẽ đúng hơn nếu đe bài hỏi  " to what extent do you agree or disagree" còn bài này hỏi " do you agree or disagree" nên mình nghĩ bạn nên lựa chọn 1 trong 2. Tks!
1 vote
1 vote

In the context of modern society, most young people choose their favorite job to attach to instead of a high salary job which they do not feel happy with. This will receive a lot of objections. However, in my opinion, I agree with this option.

In the first place, doing favorite job can promote ability in the best way. Because when a person does his prefered job, he will make use of his creativity and strenght to do tasks as perfectly as possible. In contrast, if he tries to do a job which does not make him enjoyable, he can feel stressful leading to unexpectant result. As a result, employer can not have opportunity to foster his career. For illustration, a child could not play with toys that do not make him happy. He even spoilt them if he hates them.

Furthermore, effectiveness is an indispensable result if companies have employee who enjoy his job. Because when his job makes him entertained, he can devote up to 90 percent of his strenght and mind to his work. So productivity might reach to maximum level. A very obvious example for this case is if a person like a kind of food, he will eat it joyfully anh even as much as he can.

Nevertheless, many people suppose that occupation plays an importan role in our life. So, having a job is luckier than being unemployed regardless of having no passion for it. But there is a fact that most people who do not get a specialized job would give it up after a short time. If the situation continues happening, the rate of unemployees may increase dramatically.

In a nutshell, choosing a favoured and suitable job is the most fitting way to develop ability and improve job performance. Therefore, I totally approve of people who decide to give up a good job to purchase their dream.

5 points

1 comment

Mình thấy ý của đoạn 2 và 3 hơi same same thì phải. Chúng cùng nói về việc một người yêu cong việc thì sẽ làm tốt hơn người không yêu cv của mình nên theo mình nên gộp 2 đoạn làm một. Nửa sau của đoạn 2 từ chỗ " In contrast,.."  Có thể support cho  idea của đoạn 4 thì hợp lý hơn:) nhân tiện cho mình hỏi " in a nutshell" có phổ biến ko mà mình chưa bao j thấy cụm từ này nhỉ. Mình thấy topic này nói về việc thà thất nghiệp còn hơn làm việc ko thích và bài của Sarah Duong thì nói về việc thà làm cv mình thích hơn là làm cv lương cao mà mình ko thích, vậy có hơi lạc đề ko? Tks !
0 votes
0 votes

Hi all, here is my essay. Pls hlep me fix it. Tks;)

Everybody wants to get a job which they like  and make good money out of it. In fact, most of people only can choose one thing, either money or their passion. That must be a hard decision, yet some of them choose to be unemployed instead of doing what they don't like. It is also true for me. 
First of all, doing unsatisfied jobs is a waste of time because people can not have high performance or advance in their careers if they don't like what they are doing. It can be easily seen that people who are not enthusiastic just try to stay with their jobs as long as they have to. It is opposite with those who works because of their passion. They can work at anytime or anywhere to get the best result. Meanwhile, people who dislike their jobs usually feel tired, stressful, pressure more than others. They just try to put up with their dislike jobs until they can and sooner or later they will quit. Companies which employ these people often have high potential of turn over and other problems. Thus, unsatisfied jobs can have bad effects on employees and companies. 
Besides, being unemployment temporarily is not a bad decision. There are still many opportunities waiting them. Sometimes, they need to try several jobs before getting the right one. Quitting a dislike job is not a shame but a bravery and a wise. That should be encouraged. 
In conclusion, I believe that choosing the right job is more important than working with no passion. However, people need to consider between opportunities and challenges before making any decision so they will have to regret about their choices. The truth is people such as Bill Gates, Steve Job,... are evidences of working for their passion and they eventually became famous billionaires with great contributions for mankind.
8 points
1 vote
1 vote
Building a career has long been concerned by all people, especially the youth. Some people hold the view that the pleasure from working is much more crucial than job security. However, others are of the opinion that a stable job is essential, and people should not hope to have joy from working. I think both of view are justified. The purpose of this essay is to analyze two views above in dept.

To begin with, it seems that the first view is rather convincing. Frist of all, obviously, for most people, job satisfaction is a factor happiness. For instance, if people do a job with passion and enthusiasm, they will work more effectively and make full use of their potential and ability. This means that all of them can contribute valuable things such as knowledge to the society. Besides, imagining what happens if people having to work without excitement. It is obvious that they may feel stuck, and for them, working is a burden because time seems to pass by slowly. Nevertheless, not all people hold the same point of view.

As regards the second view, it is generally held that this view is right in some cases. Firstly, earning money is much more vital than having the pleasure from working. For example, some people being new graduate students need to start to build their career for paying the cost of living and gaining experience. Therefore, the sense of job satisfaction is not necessary to bother for them at that moment. Secondly, in the fast changing world today, evidence shows that the rate of unemployment is rocket steadily, and there are some difficulties in the economy. As a consequence, it is extremely lucky for those having stable job. Finally, people wanting to have a permanent career are not ambitious and dynamic in their part of life. Viet Nam is an example to illustrate for this point, for there are not pressure and threat of losing jobs.

In conclusion, both job satisfaction and stable career are extremely crucial. However, the most important thing is no matter what people do as long as it can bring happiness for them.

I'm a new member in here, I hope to have your help, thanks a lot <3
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14 points

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