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People have different views about whether favourite job or stable job is more significant. While I accept that stable job is a key consideration for workers to choose their job, I completely agree with the idea of selecting favourite job.

It is true that stable job is attractive to some extent. First of all, workers can do their job for so long and they do not much worry about high levels of unemployment. Moreover, with the stable job the employees have some expertise in their job so more chances for them to promote. In fact, most people work in order to earn salary, as a result regular salary is the strongest point of stable job. It sometimes is much greater concern than job satisfaction. Other reasons which support for stable job are good relationship with coworkers, prestige, company and working conditions.

However, to start my opinion, it is necessary to know that job satisfaction is a wide concept. The satisfaction with job is influenced by job expectations. If the employees only require from a job such as security, regular salary, prestige or working conditions, they satisfy with stable job, and this case, their job satisfaction is stable job. But if their expectation job is other things like independence or kind of favourite work, their satisfaction job is not stable job. That why it seems to me that workers should do their satisfaction job because of some undeniable advantages. Firstly, doing favourite job makes workers happier. This feeling have good effects on the worker’s health and their long life. Secondly, many researchs show that the employees who work job satisfaction are more creative and successful in their career. Finally, they are free-will inextricably long with work they are favourite.

In conclusion, I admit that stable job is good choice for workers in many aspects although it is better to work with job satisfaction.


14 points

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2 Answers

1 vote
1 vote
Your essay is pretty good. However, It is a little bit confusing and unclear. In my opinion, you should make clear what you choose first, then just find 2 or 3 supporting ideas and go with it. You can add the constrasting ideas at the end of the essay and conclude it.
8 points

1 comment

thank you very much for your useful suggestions. This helps me to write better.
1 vote
1 vote

overall, your esaay has a perfect structure and your ideas are fine, but there are few basic grammar mistakes.

  1. preposition problems: we usually use view/perspective on sth, not view/perspective about. you can check it in collocations dictionary to choose the most suitable preposition.
  2. plural & singular: you should write a favourite job or favourite jobs and the same as stable jobs, this feeling has not have and companies/ a company. Note you can use singular nouns without a/an if the  nouns stand behind the possessive pronouns like your, her...
  3. sentences structure and tense: you didn't have any big mistakes for sentences structure, but it sounds not much native. For example, so more chances for them to promote that could be rewrite like this : so there are more chances for them to be promoted. you have problems with passive tense, you should review this tense. promote = to recommend  sb to new higher position, so employees are promoted and employers promote ; satisfy = to make sb happy or pleased by sth, so employees are satisfied with their stable job.
  4. adverb and verb: tobe verb + adverb & adverb + normal verb
2 points

1 comment

Thank you Sammy Nguyen very much because you have read my essay carefully and I think you've pointed you for my many noticeable mistakes. Your opinion is the best for me. I hope in future, you'll continue to be concerned with my next essays to help me better in wrting task 2.

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