The charts below show the percentage of time younger and older people spend on various Internet activities in their free time (excluding email).
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The two pie charts indicate how the young and the old distribute their free time to various Internet activities with the exclusion of email. 

Overall, while the old tend to spend a significant fraction of their spare time searching for information, entertainment activities are more likely to appeal to youngsters. 

As can be seen from the charts, making bookings is the most time-consuming activity for the old with nearly 30% of time dedicated, while their younger counterparts only allot 5%. Time allocation to social networking among the retired is 8%, which is one-third of the amount of time for this demand recorded among the 18-26 age participants. In the same vein, game playing contributes to 18% of the young’s online hours compared to 8% of the time among those aged 60-70.

However, in some particular activities, the proportions of time spent by the two groups are witnessed with less significant variance. To be specific, research work of the old constitutes 26%, exceeding 21% of that of the young counterparts. Conversely, music and films access accounts for a higher percentage of time spent by the young than the other group (21% and 17%). The 18-26 age group tends to invest less time in online purchases than the old attendant, with the former 12% and the latter 14%.

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