Đề thi IELTS - 25/10/2014 - Some people think that job satisfaction is more important while other people think that ...
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Topic IELTS của tuần này 25/10/2014:

Some people think that job satisfaction is more important while other people think that it is more important to have a stable job. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


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Nice weekend cả nhà :3


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117 points

10 Answers

8 votes
8 votes
Having a good job is necessary to our lives. While many people don’t like to change their job for their whole life, the others say that they want to try in many distinct positions in their career to get the complacence in working. My essay will discuss both sides of this issue and give you my opinion which support the latter’s idea.

On one hand, having a stable job gives you a stable timetable. You can spend your leisure joining a favorite club or having a special dinner with your family. Because of doing the familiar jobs, you will find the easy way to do it better day by day, followed by increasing job performance. Psychologically, with understanding the colleagues, work environment becomes more friendly and comfortable which supports you to complete excellently your mission. Finally, starting at a new position might require you more time and effort to train without high salary.

On the other hand, many people believe that it is more important to obtain the job satisfaction. I agree with this thinking. With trying in many distinct positions to find out your indulgence, you have better opportunities to make friend and travel to many different cities. These unusual things may motivate you in working, raise your creativity. Eventually, I believe that the most important things in our lives are to find out what we love, what we are good in, and become a happy person by dint of doing well what we love.

In conclusion, even there are both the dark side and the light sight of having a stable job or trying in several different positions to find out the suitable jobs to ourselves, I agree with the idea which levies us to obtain the complacence in working.
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36 points


I have some words for your essay.
Firstly, I will not talk much about your idea, but I think the concept of "stable job" is permanent period of working time, that means doing job for long, it is obviously not changeable woriking timetable. So, it seem not suit on the first paragraph of the body.
Secondly, in conclusion, it may be replaced "dark side", "light sight" by "advantages" and "disadvantages"
I think in the introduction, we should not use the direct way to express the main structure of the essay like " My essay will discuss...". This makes your essay less natural. I suppose that we just present two oppinions and in the conclution, we will express our ideals about follow or against. One more thing is that because the reader is examinator, so I do not think using word "You" in this situation is appropriate, maybe he or she do not think as you do. So, If I were you, I would use some words such as "people, man, or one". I think it might help your essay better. However, the rest of the essay is good. This is just my oppinion, thank you for sharing this essay.
@hinekiha @shu_akia: thank a lot :D
1 vote
1 vote

Career plays important role in life. It is thought that satisfying in job is necessary, but there are other opinions which consider a stable job is important. I think I agree with first view.


Firstly, when we choose a job or apply for a position in company, we will think that we enjoy it. This inspires us to work effectively. Satisfaction will stimulate our quality in workplace. Moreover, when we feel happy and every thing around is okey, we will excite to do all assignments. Then, we will make things productive, we will earn more to have a good life. Every thing also is more wonderful we think.


However, some people think that a stable job is important. Because they don’t want sudden. Stable jobs will pass day to day. They can do a job which they don’t like but that job help them meet needs for their lives such as: food, clothes, entertainment. …. Everyday, they go to work and come back home without excitement or happiness in workplace. I think it is very boring. In other words, stable jobs don’t encourage creative employees, don’t make power for them.

In short, choosing a job which satisfies us will be interesting, and I think I will choose a satisfactory job to pursue.

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12 points


Hi havmu,
You are always welcomed, if you have time to write, I also have time to share my experiences. If you have any personal questtion, email me at "[email protected]"
@hinekiha: I don't know any word to thank you! :)
- Overall, you use only common words and simple-structure sentences including one sentence in para 3 with just 6 words.
- You are now affected a lot by Vietnamese writing style which causes some following errors:
+ "Everyday, they go to work and come back home" =>"everyday" should not be placed at the beginning of a sentenced and followed by a comma.
+ "such as: food, clothes, entertainment. …." => you must not add ":" after "such as" and "..." at the end. The correct phrase should be "such as food, clothes and entertainment."
+ "every thing" => "everything"
+ "first view" => the first view
+ "plays important role" => plays an important role.
1 vote
1 vote
There is always a dilemma people are facing which is the fact that whether they choose a firmed occupation or pleasure job. In my point of view, as a young person who is looking for job, I believe that both of view is completely true, but I still support the notion that it is better to have a stable job.

Kicking off by explanation that is absolutely true when people think job satisfaction is more important. To be more exact, good occupation is understood as a job with excellent rate of wage, good working environment, insurance and also be good at rest of policies. So that, which firms who offer these profits well, always be the first screen of people when they picture many companies for their employment. Undeniably, not only talents who are able to choose organizations they wish because firms all the time need and welcome talented people, but also general workers, they all frequently make prior order from top to bottom of benefits offered by organizations, alternatively.

On the other hand, it is completely right when people claim that stable job is more important. Justification is that permanent period of work would be the next their expectation because most of employees do not project to be fired after years of contribution to their company, or leaving job with nothing. As well as this, the most significant profit among policies they deserve to have is pension, this amount of pension can be seen as the mascot to ensure the rest of their life, time of old age, the period of time that they can not do much to cover living.

To make long story short, it is obviously true to have a satisfied job, because they will proceed to look forward to a better one if they find unhappy with current working. But it is still the aim initially, the final end is more important that people need a stable job in order to ensure them after whole their life of working.
14 points


Your essay is well-organized. However, the argument you gave seems not so convincing to me. I think it would be better if you add more information to the second body paragraph
To Hunter, thank you, and I keep your comment in my mind, I will make more words in it. I did have not many words to write at that moment, then I am gonna do.
1 vote
1 vote
It is commonly argued that whether job satisfaction or job stability should be put on priority when choosing a job. From my personal point of view, I agree that each of us should follow the career path that brings about more pleasure and enjoyment.

Stable job seekers reason their choice in several ways, such as low workload, stable working hours and low risk of being laid off. Some of my friends are now staff of some national agencies, and the way they describe their jobs match perfectly with stable jobs’ description. Everyday their work begins at 8 a.m. with some room cleaning, tea brewing and newspapers checking. It is not until 9 a.m. that they start doing some simple, unchallenging, sometimes boring working tasks until 5 p.m. While their works require little efforts and concentration, there are almost no one to push them up and increase their performance. They also face no risk of being fired or punished due to the lack of motivation here.

If staff at stable jobs find their career as a repeating circle with no breakthrough, people who follow their passions see theirs totally different. There are always chances for them to work unsocial hours, under heavy working stress and fierce competitions. They always have to look for ways to sharpen their blades under the threats of being left behind. However, the higher the risks, the higher the return as well. With the pushing from internal and external factors, these people become stronger, and their lives will not only be full of challenging but also happiness and enjoyment, especially when they explore something wonderful or move up the ladder. Moreover, the feeling of happiness in work may spread to other aspects of lives, which make their lives extremely beautiful and worth to live.

In conclusion, I do believe that everyone should choose to work in a career that bring about satisfaction and happiness.
37 points


Hi mr_z8t,
I really have to say that your writing is very very good. To be more correct, I love "they describe their jobs match perfectly with stable jobs’ description. Everyday their work begins at 8 a.m. with some room cleaning, tea brewing and newspapers checking. It is not until 9 a.m". It's completely correct :)).
But, I have got a bit of confusing on your conclusion. Ok, now think about topic "stable job and satisfied one", why people have to make choice on "stable job" or "satisfied job", is it because "stable" is boring, also less money, but no risk, right? And "satisfaction" is much benefit but much stress, right? Here we have balance between advantages and disadvantages of two types of job. So, may I say this on your conclusion "I do believe that everone should choose to work in a career that bring about satisfaction even it is stressful". :D
Thank you so much for your comment hinekiha :)
you write very well.i dont have any word for you
3 votes
3 votes

It is undeniable that career is one crucial factor that contributes to an individual’s happiness. Some people suppose that it’s essential to find a job that make you satisfied while others claim that the stability of the profession should be the top priority. I’m totally convinced by the former argument.

A job’s stability may be defined as one that provides with sufficient pay for your essential needs and one that is not likely to change considerably over time. It seems to be desirable to some people since employees do not have to make concerted effort to get promotion. Thus, they will have more spare time for leisure activities. In addition, people will not be obsessed with the fear of unemployment when job market is more and more demanding.

On the other hand, to many people, a real profession is one that offers more than a living wage. Different individuals may have various ways to define what job satisfaction is. In most cases, good salary, employers’ recognition and appreciation, fair working environment, suitability are most critical elements to make a job satisfactory. An employee can only foster his ability, especially creativity if he feels pleased with what he’s doing. Otherwise, he can easily get bored and defeated by challenges. Furthermore, life is a series of trial and error, if we just work simply to earn a living, we will miss plenty of opportunities to find out what really suits us and what actually brings us to happiness.

In a nutshell, both views have its upside and downside and what type of job to do depends on each individual’s situation and thoughts. Nevertheless, life is short and we should lead a happy life by choosing a job we love.

21 points


Hi hunter89,
It's so good your essay, but just only one I wanna say. Again "nutshell" seems not as good as other ways of talking about conclusion, and I'm sure that you have lots of words to use. Again, your writing is so good.
Thank you for your contribution
I love your writing, it's kind of professional. However, you shouldn't write "I'm" or "he's" but "I am" or "he is".
And I love your style too. Easy to follow, not bring confusion to audience. Keep going ^^
Thanks so much
1 vote
1 vote
Finding a job which meets all our requirements for our own passion, high salary, permanence seems rather difficult these days, so there are two separate trends in choosing a suitable job. Some people put job satisfaction first, whereas some others show the opposite opinion. Personally, I support the former.

On the one hand, I agree with the fact that a stable job might as well assure our stable income. People working in state companies or offices can be cited as a good example for this case. However, the disadvantages of the job of this kind probably outweigh its advantages for some reasons. To get a permanent job sometimes means that we have to leave our passion behind, therefore, we ourselves may find it quite hard to make the best use of our creativity. Imagine that you always long for a career as a professional journalist, but you are forced to work as a doctor or other irrelevant jobs, for what is your creativity?

On the other hand, I believe that we work with individual satisfaction, which helps me in many ways as a result. Firstly, the right job will inspire us a lot. It is common belief that to have a good result, the real love for that work itself should be taken into consideration. It seems that motivation from the job always makes us willing to face difficulties and then achieve our goal. Secondly, the job we like to do is the right place to develop our creativity. Clearly, almost the talented work in the field from which they gain satisfaction. Nevertheless, income often becomes the biggest drawback to those who pursuit their interest in jobs without caring their life. Job satisfaction in this case is given priority. Artists and musicians, for instance, are known to choose the jobs they like, but not provide themselves with enough money to live in comfort and support their family. However, in fact, the jobs chosen can bring them back fame and respect.

Overall, a stable job can possibly enable individuals to have a stable life, but above all gaining satisfaction form the job seems to be more favorable.
8 points


Here my words:)
Sentence 1: "Secondly, the job we like to do is the right place to develop our creativity", and sencond: "Clearly, almost the talented people work in the field from which they gain satisfaction". The first sentence is clear, but I'm not sure about the second's meaning, also what is the relationship between these? It seems the same without any explanation or support from the sencond sentence.
Ok, one other confusing: "Nevertheless, income often becomes the biggest drawback to those who pursuit their interest in jobs without caring their life", do you mean "income is biggest issue if someone takes interest in job and neglect covering living"? Let's say to me then we keep going.
Thank u, Hinekiha so much for your feedbacks...I will try my best for the next time.
2 votes
2 votes

Employment is always concerned as a vital part of our life. Having been orientated early in the childhood, many people find it obvious to choose a job as adults. However, there is also a considerable number of students suffering from those choices for occupations. While some people argue that having a stable work is more beneficial to them, I support the idea that employee satisfaction is more important than job security.

On the one hand, many people’s lives are directly influenced by the amount of money earned from their works. A person carrying out a well-paid job seems likely to enjoy a higher living standard than one who generates irregular income. This is also the contributing factor in the choice of firm professions. Specifically, thanks to the regular characteristic of the occupation, people tend to get less risk of losing job. Furthermore receiving monthly salary without facing many serious challenges, they have a more ideal chance for balancing life, which is very important to one’s happiness. For example, couples who have just married would rather look for stable jobs in order to ensure a healthy development for their families.

On the other hand, I would say that job satisfaction occupies a substantial role in an individual’s success. Moreover, it definitely deserves the concern of everyone who are finding a chance to develop themselves. Firstly, working with immense satisfaction, employees are always in the state of raising high productivity. A good example is that many famous companies such as Facebook and Google have decorated offices to be more colorful and comfortable so as to spur on the creativity and productivity, bringing a significant profit for them each year. Finally, If finding in the current work unsatisfied, people would probably change jobs or move jobs. In spite of getting high unemployment risk they may stand to gain valuable experience whenever adapting to new environments. For instance, some people have established their own business and run it efficiently after spending years working for different companies.

In conclusion, a stable job usually ensure people a balancing life but I think they need to pursue the satisfaction in occupations in order to challenge themselves and make more profit.   

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18 points


Hi childiw, I won't say much about your ideas because people have their own various arguments in life experiences. But I have to say that your writing is very very excellent organized. In which you gather almost things to make your essay become good mark. Congratulation.
I really appreciate your helpful comment, I'm still trying hard. Thank you so so much :)
i agree with you... your essay is good, i like it.
thank for writting
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Hi, I have some comments for your writing :D :
- You have a remarkable introduction.
However, in the body, for the second paragraph, I think it should start with: "On one hand" rather than "On the one hand". Moreover, I hardly recognize your topic sentence in this part until "Specifically, thanks to the regular characteristic of the occupation, people tend to get less risk of losing job", I found some relations. But actually I don't understand its meanings. What are regular characteristic of the occupation? you should add more like "which is/ means...". In sum, I think getting directly what you want to transfer is better. Let's the audience clear what ]your main points are from the beginning.
In the third paragraph, I see you use a better direct expression.
- Your conclusion is Ok.
Hope my comment is helpful. Have a nice day !
thank you so much :) Socola and Ckin2u777
1 vote
1 vote
The perception of a good job still remains unanswered to many people. Some take job's satisfaction into considertion before they choose a career to follow. The others think that having a stable career is the most important faction. To me, both opinions have their advantages and disadvantages but i prefer the idea of stable career more.
First, i have doubts about the chances of being able to make ends meet if i choose the relaxing, easy jobs. In this day and age, the prices, taxes keep increasing rapidly but the wages havent gone up much at all. So how can you earn your bread when you do a low-payed job? On the other hand, if you manage to find a satisfactory job which can help you make enough money , who can assure it will last? I cant put any hopes on the job securities as life is so competitive these days and such good jobs can be taken away easily. Unless you are born with silver spoon on your mouth or you are extremely gifted, talented, it will be benificial to you to find a stable job.
Otherwise, i dont say that you have to spend you previous life doing the things you dislike for good. "We only live once", as they said. You can find a stable job first, and leave aside some money. If you work hard enough, i believe you can save enough money and find your idea's job, or even follow your dream. 
In conclusion, there are both dark sides and good sides, it depends on your needs and your family's background that helps you decide the suitable jobs and appropriate careers. Whatever paths you choose, just keep in heart that working is the greatest pleasure.
8 points


Hi canchi, can I say something to you? :)
1. "but i prefer the idea of stable career more" (you may release "more", because "prefer" is enough).
2. Sencondly, also be important that I wanna say. In your body part, it is very confusing because you show advantages and disadvantages of both ideas, I didn't see the main aim of this paragraph until "You can find a stable job first, and leave aside some money. If you work hard enough, i believe you can save enough money and find your idea's job, or even follow your dream", then it means this paragraph would talk about supporting to the notion "stable job". Thus, it may need another to talk about why people choose satisfied job.
Finally, introduction and conclusion is good, but body is confusing and it seems to have lack of opposite side of argument.
thank you so much for spending your time reading and fixing my essay. I dont usually practise writing skill so i cant make it a good essay, but i will try to improve then. Can i ask you something? My teacher said that phrases like "to me" were informal. So i should avoid using them in essay in order not to annoy the readers. Can you suggest me some good phrases to express opinion in formal writing? thank you so much
You're welcome canchi, have a good day:)
0 votes
0 votes

Nickname: Ckin2u777

There are so many definitions of an appropriate job nowadays and people are on their way trying to find one in this competitive market. For some people a good job must offer a certain level of job satisfaction; however, in others’ opinion, one important component should be its stableness.

Job satisfaction includes factors that make you feel pleased about what you are doing. They are based on our job environment, employer-employee relationship, colleague relationship, compatibility of your personality with charateristics of tasks and so on. Those constititute to our mood everyday whenever we wake up and come to the workplace. In some scientific research, job commitment and productivity have a positive relationship with levels of job satisfaction. Therefore, job satisfaction is somehow one of the most important elements determining how successful you are in the future.

On the other hand, a statble job gives us less risk in today competitive global market. Every year, high unemployment rate put a significant pressure not only on students who just graduated but also people holding fewer skills than the others in the same labour pool. To some extent, the stableness in our carreer may not bring us high pleasures in everyday tasks but in turn, helps us feel more released from fear of losing jobs suddenly. This component is also necessary for career success because we are offered a higher level of job security.

In sum, people have their own reasons of defining a good job for their lives. In this essay, both job satisfaction and job stability worth to be counted in our criteria before any comparison is made. However, in my opinion, job satisfaction should be put more concerns for long-term career success achievement.

P/s: Pls leave your contributive comments for my writing progress. First time I join this community. Nice to meet you all! :)

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7 points
1 vote
1 vote
The fact that we all, after leaving college or university, have to choose a career is undisputable. While some people believe more in a steady job, others argue that is is the job satisfaction that really matters. This essay is going to look through both stands, hence come to a personal conclusion.

                To start with, the stability of a job is undoubtedly an integral part of anyone’s  life. It ensures one’s ablity to meet with satisfactory salary, thereby enabling us to afford basic necessities as well as consumer possessions. Additionally, individuals with guaranteed careers often have high prestige in the commmunity and more confidence in their lives than those who don’t. In short, having a stable job means being privileged in terms of income and social status.

                On the other hand, the choice of job should also be based  on the idea that it is among the most imperative decisions one can have in their life, therefore should not be taken for granted. Though an unchanged job is somewhat an insurance about the path we have chosen, it does not give us the requisite pleasure and convenience to continue in the long run. Not to mention, since the job is better considered of a leisure than a responsibility, people are bound to be more willing to overcome obstacles in doing it. That is to say, since it is of a spiritual value, this kind of job are believed by many to be worthy of chasing after.

                To sum up, a stable job provides people’s life with material goods and admirations that are enough to live by. Yet I’m convinced that the actual fount of happiness to define a worthwile life includes a career that we truly feel passionate about and unreluctant to devote to.
8 points

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