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It is the job of governments and companies to deal with the huge environmental problems which we face. Individuals on their own can do little or nothing. What is your opinion about this statement?
Some people are of the opinion that tackling environmental problems facing humans is the responsibility of governments and companies, while others claim that in addition to these two forces, individuals could contribute to protecting the environment. From my point of view, all of the society should join hands in order to successfully remedy the situation.
Governments and companies play a pivotal role in solving environmental issues. Gases released from factories such as carbon dioxide or methane are one of the main culprits of the severely contaminated air in several cities and megacities in the world. If these firms could control the number of emissions released during the process of producing their products, the air quality would improve significantly. Local authorities could introduce more laws and impose stricter penalties for any companies and individuals that do harm to the environment. In addition, governments could allocate more resources to scientific researches so that scientists could gain insights into environmental problems and discover solutions to them.
Not only governments and factories, but individuals could also make a great contribution to preserving and protecting the earth from being more polluted in many ways. People can adopt environmentally-friendly habits such as replacing plastic bags with paper bags as the plastic ones not only contaminate the soil but also cause marine pollution. Citizens in big cities could commute by public transport in replace of private vehicles. Consequently, emissions from exhaust fumes from vehicles might reduce, thus improving air quality. Consumers should try to reduce their demand to purchase new goods by reusing and recycling their old ones. Furthermore, people can opt for energy-efficient products in order to save money and protect the environment.
In conclusion, I would contend that governments and companies are not the only forces responsible for solving environmental issues, every citizen from all over the world could help to save and protect our earth.
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Some people are of the opinion that ->believe/ think that tackling environmental problems facing humans is the responsibility of governments and companies, while others claim that in addition to these two forces, individuals could contribute to protecting the environment. From my point of view, all of the society should join hands in order to -> to successfully remedy the situation.
To begin with, it is obvious that governments and companies play a pivotal role in solving environmental issues. Gases released from factories such as carbon dioxide or methane are one of the main culprits of the severely contaminated air ->the severly contaminated atmospheres' main culprits in several cities and megacities in the world. If these firms could control the number of emissions released during the process of producing their products -> their manufacturing process, the air quality would improve -> be improved/enhanced significantly. Moreover, local authorities could introduce/enforce more laws and impose stricter penalties for any companies and individuals that do -> doing harm to the environment. In addition, governments could allocate more resources to scientific researches so that scientists could gain insights into environmental problems and discover solutions to them.
Not only governments and factories, but individuals could also make a great contribution to preserving and protecting the earth -> the earth's protection from being more polluted in many ways. People can adopt environmentally-friendly habits such as replacing plastic bags with paper bags as the plastic ones not only contaminate the soil but also cause marine pollution. Citizens in big cities could commute by public transport in replace of private vehicles. Consequently, emissions from exhaust fumes from vehicles might reduce, thus improving air quality. Consumers should try to reduce their demands to purchase new goods by reusing and recycling their old ones. Furthermore, people can opt for energy-efficient products in order to save money and protect the environment.
In conclusion, I would contend that governments and companies are not the only forces being responsible for solving environmental issues. Citizens from all over the world could help to save and protect our planet.
*Bài viết của bạn khá tốt, nên tăng cường sử dụng nhiều linking words bạn nhé. Đồng thời, nếu muốn diễn tả sự sở hữu, bạn nên dùng sở hữu cách thay vì dùng "of". Điều đó giúp bài bạn trở nên ngắn gọn, bớt dài dòng hơn.
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