Bài ielts task 2 ngày 25/9- pros and cons of one-child family
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nowadays, society is getting more and more developed and the population is getting increased sharply. Many families have tend to limit the birth rate and they only want to have a child. We will analyze this problem through two prospects are the advantages and disadvantages when a children is brought up in one-child families.


   I want to take a positive attitude towards one-child family and there are some advantages from this problem. Firstly, the most obvious benefit of having only one child for parents is- they are able to give more their love as well as their attention for our son. Secondly, having one child is much easier for parents to bring up more than having two or more children. There are some parents who have to work all day, saying they are too busy to be able to care for their children. So, having a child, parents will have opportunities to spend more time and more emotional with their children. Besides the above, the most important pros that may be many childs like is they will be receive a lot more daily allowance. Moreover, parents also will meet child's needs easily because all parents love their children so much. Here are some benefits that I want to talk about my topic.


     Everything has a good side and bad side and '' one-child family '' has no reception. Because children are usually active and quite sensitive, they want to share everything with someone who understands their psychology and their emotions and this person does not seem to be parents- they are their siblings. So, when a child lives in one-child family, they can feel lonely. Moreover, they may get too much pressure from parents to perform well or excel in school and other activities. Because parents of an only child tends to be overprotective and expect them a lot. This may be a factor that makes all child feel anxiety and pressure. It is the first important disadvantage of one-child family. Secondly, an only child may become a burdened about being the sole caregivers of elderly parents. When parents grow old,, they are in need of care. So, one-child family will have more drawback than family that have many children.


   In the last analyze, one-child family exists two different sides are pros and cons. So, good or bad depends on how we think. However, no matter how to choose, parents always remember that should give children a happy life.
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nowadays, society is getting more and more developed and the population is getting increased (increasing)  sharply. Many families have tend (tend)to limit the birth rate and they only want to have a child(theo mình giải thích là ko cần thiết, có giải thích cũng chỉ nên sơ qua trong 1 câu). We will (bạn đang làm ielts 1 mình cơ mà) analyze this problem through two prospects are the advantages and disadvantages (mình thấy diễn đạt hoa mĩ ko cần thiết) when a children is brought up in one-child families.

 I want to take a positive attitude towards one-child family and there are some advantages from this problem. (ko nên xưng I phần này vì đề ko cần opinion của bạn, giữ thái độ khách quan khi discuss both views) 

Here are some benefits that I want to talk about my topic. (bỏ)


bài viết chưa đc acadamic lắm, mình thấy bạn ko cần đầu tư vào các từ có vẻ trình độ cao như "in the last analyze" người chấm chỉ đánh giá cao các từ acadamic liên quan đến chủ đề thôi (theo mình đọc đc). nên chia bài rõ ràng: 1 câu nêu idea, thi thoảng kèm 1 câu support nếu ý chưa rõ

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http://scholarshipplanet.info/check/1584/discuss-both-advantages-and-disadvantages-of-advertising mong bạn xem giúp mình essay này với, mới luyện nên viết chưa chuyên nghiệp lắm

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